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CSC270 Survey of Programming Languages Assignments

Date Assignment Supporting Materials

Myprogramminglab Assign preIntro

Setup your computer to be able to write and compile a hello world program on panther. Find instructions for downloading filezilla and notepad and putty at: setup

Read chapters 2-5 of Downey which is found at

Note: Nothing goes to moodle

movie showing how to use nppftp to transfer files to panther




Everyone does exactly this: Myprogramminglab Assign Intro AND Assign Function

Choose one of these two: Downey 3.4 and 5.1 and 5.4 OR Dietel, 4.9 Sum a sequence of integers

Choose one of these two: Read Downey 6-7 OR Deitel 5-6


Everyone does exactly this: Myprogramminglab Assign Loops, Assign Static Arrays

Choose one of these two: Downey 6.4 and 7.2 OR Dietel, 5.15 Hypotenuse Calculation and 6.23 turtle graphics

Read: Deitel 7 & 14.9 (No Downey option on this one.)


Myprogramminglab Assign Pointers

Trace #1 pointer


Myprogramminglab Assign Pointers in Functions

Trace #2 pointer and Dietel 7.7, 7.8, 7.10 and 7.11 - all in one word document

Read: Downey 8 OR Deitel 8 & 9

Read: Blackburn 1

9/23 Myprogramminglab Assign Strings and Assign Pointers with Arrays  

Downey Ex 8.2 and 8.5 And Deitel 9.4 OR Dietel 9.4, 9.14 & 9.15

For 8.2, see this guide for some help

For 8.5, see this guide for some help


Trace #3 pointer - AND Prolog exercise 1.4 and exercise 1.5 from learn prolog now - put all answers into one word document


Myprogramminglab Assign Structures

and Prolog Homework


C Programming and Prolog Test (Click for Topic List)

Allow 1 double sided page of HAND WRITTEN notes

Here is a set of study exercises that do not have to be handed in.

Here are the answers to those exercises


Bit and File IO Homework

And please read about the puzzle project and form your groups. You know enough to start coding your puzzle creator in C.

10/21 Myprogramminglab Assign Intro C++  

Myprogramminglab Class separate h

Dietel exercises 15.6 & 16.16

For 16.16, the web site is moved to



Final Puzzle Project Documentation

Test corrections Due if you choose to do them.


Myprogramminglab inheritance

Dietel 17.6: Create a Rational Class according first to Dietel 17.6 . For 17.6, you can skip subtracting and dividing. (so you only need to add, ,multiply, print in form a/b and print in floating point form). When it says not to allow a 0 as the denom, just make the denom 1 and print an error message. We did not yet learn to throw an exception.


Dietel 18.10: Create a Rational Class according first to Dietel 17.6 (last assignment) and then 18.10. Turn in one class that has methods from both questions.

  • For 17.6, you can skip multiplying, subtracting and dividing. (so you only need to add, print in form a/b and print in floating point form).
  • For 18.10, you only have to overload addition, multiplication and equals = and is equal == (not subtraction, division or greater than, less than)
  • •This has to be split into Rational.h, Rational.cpp and RationalApp.cpp (no .h is needed for RationalApp because it has no instance variables.)

Please also read chapters 19 and 20 to prepare for Wednesday's inheritance work.


Myprogramminglab real inheritance

Inheritance Discovery sheet (one per table group with all names on it and the files used for discovery)

Dietel 20.4, 20.5, 20.16


C++ review exercises : no need to hand in. For an answer without the very last part, use :



C++ Programming test

Allow 1 double sided page of HAND WRITTEN notes

11/23 Racket Homework Simple Functions  

Racket Homework 2 - just 1 - 5

C++ Myprogramminglab Assign Exceptions

12/2 Racket Homework 3 - just 6 - 9  
12/7 Final Puzzle Project  
12/9 Prolog Homework  

Final 3:30 – 5:30 contents of the final

Sheet you can use for the final

review questionnaire


tracing answers


assignments not used

  File IO Homework #2
  Redo 10/6's Bit and File IO but only for text file  
  Redo 10/13 File IO homework #2

movie on binary file read and write

movie on binary file read and write for ipod (right click to download)

  C Programming Test - Extra Credit Quiz for ALL  
  C Programming Extra Credit 5 exercises to get Retry Test if you wanted to reteach yourself the basics  
  plus create a Polygon class that holds two sides and has a virtual method of area. Create 2 other shapes (not done in class) as inherited classes that do their own calculation of area. Add one more member function to one of your inherited classes. Create a program that tests the functions.