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CSC270 Survey of Programming Languages Assignments
Date | Assignment | Supporting Materials |
9/2 |
Myprogramminglab Assign preIntro Setup your computer to be able to write and compile a hello world program on panther. Find instructions for downloading filezilla and notepad and putty at: setup Read chapters 2-5 of Downey which is found at Note: Nothing goes to moodle |
movie showing how to use nppftp to transfer files to panther
9/9 |
Everyone does exactly this: Myprogramminglab Assign Intro AND Assign Function Choose one of these two: Downey 3.4 and 5.1 and 5.4 OR Dietel, 4.9 Sum a sequence of integers Choose one of these two: Read Downey 6-7 OR Deitel 5-6 |
9/14 |
Everyone does exactly this: Myprogramminglab Assign Loops, Assign Static Arrays Choose one of these two: Downey 6.4 and 7.2 OR Dietel, 5.15 Hypotenuse Calculation and 6.23 turtle graphics Read: Deitel 7 & 14.9 (No Downey option on this one.) |
9/16 |
Myprogramminglab Assign Pointers |
9/21 |
Myprogramminglab Assign Pointers in Functions Trace #2 pointer and Dietel 7.7, 7.8, 7.10 and 7.11 - all in one word document Read: Downey 8 OR Deitel 8 & 9 Read: Blackburn 1 |
9/23 | Myprogramminglab Assign Strings and Assign Pointers with Arrays | |
9/28 |
Downey Ex 8.2 and 8.5 And Deitel 9.4 OR Dietel 9.4, 9.14 & 9.15 |
9/30 |
Trace #3 pointer - AND Prolog exercise 1.4 and exercise 1.5 from learn prolog now - put all answers into one word document |
10/5 |
Myprogramminglab Assign Structures and Prolog Homework |
10/7 |
C Programming and Prolog Test (Click for Topic List) Allow 1 double sided page of HAND WRITTEN notes Here is a set of study exercises that do not have to be handed in. |
10/19 |
And please read about the puzzle project and form your groups. You know enough to start coding your puzzle creator in C. |
10/21 | Myprogramminglab Assign Intro C++ | |
10/26 |
Myprogramminglab Class separate h Dietel exercises 15.6 & 16.16 For 16.16, the web site is moved to |
10/28 |
11/2 |
Myprogramminglab inheritance Dietel 17.6: Create a Rational Class according first to Dietel 17.6 . For 17.6, you can skip subtracting and dividing. (so you only need to add, ,multiply, print in form a/b and print in floating point form). When it says not to allow a 0 as the denom, just make the denom 1 and print an error message. We did not yet learn to throw an exception. |
11/4 |
Please also read chapters 19 and 20 to prepare for Wednesday's inheritance work. |
11/9 |
Myprogramminglab real inheritance Dietel 20.4, 20.5, 20.16 |
11/11 |
C++ review exercises : no need to hand in. For an answer without the very last part, use : wget |
11/16 |
Allow 1 double sided page of HAND WRITTEN notes |
11/23 | Racket Homework Simple Functions | |
11/30 |
Racket Homework 2 - just 1 - 5 C++ Myprogramminglab Assign Exceptions |
12/2 | Racket Homework 3 - just 6 - 9 | |
12/7 | Final Puzzle Project | |
12/9 | Prolog Homework | |
12/21 |
Final 3:30 5:30 contents of the final |
assignments not used
File IO Homework #2 | ||
Redo 10/6's Bit and File IO but only for text file | ||
Redo 10/13 File IO homework #2 |
movie on binary file read and write movie on binary file read and write for ipod (right click to download) |
C Programming Test - Extra Credit Quiz for ALL | ||
C Programming Extra Credit 5 exercises to get Retry Test if you wanted to reteach yourself the basics | ||
plus create a Polygon class that holds two sides and has a virtual method of area. Create 2 other shapes (not done in class) as inherited classes that do their own calculation of area. Add one more member function to one of your inherited classes. Create a program that tests the functions. |