270 Final Summary
- Know which languages fit which paradigms.
- Know how you would repeat statements in each paradigm (except logic).
- Know how you would accumulate in functional and imperative.
Across languages:
How to define a variable
- How to define a function with its input and output
- How to call a function
- How to recursively call a function
- How to recurse over a list
- Determine the values that will return from a query.
- Create a fact
- Write rules that can be used to infer facts
- Write rules that infer facts recursively
- Write queries given rules and facts.
- define a function
- call a function
- write a recursive function
- write a function that recurses over a list
C++ &&
- Create and set variables
- Create structures and their variables and use those variables.
- Work with std::string, char arrays and char pointers - use correct functions
and allocate memory correctly
- Allocate memory - know how and why: malloc/free
- Arrays - passing by reference and getting size inside a function
- Creating and using pointer variables
- Using reference variables as parameters to functions
- How to pass by value or reference to a function
- How to create a class with a constructor
- How to construct a function
- How to call functions of objects
- How to loop
- Screen I/O: cout / cin / printf/ scanf (not file I/O)
- Inheritance - how to create a class that inherits another class
- Use polymorphism on inherited objects to avoid if statements