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Test Word
8.5 In Scrabble each player has a set of
tiles with letters on them, and
object of the game is to use those letters to spell words. The scoring system
but as a rough guide longer words are often worth more than shorter
Imagine you are given your set of tiles as a String, like "qijibo" and you are
String to test, like "jib".
Write a function called TestWord() that
takes these
Strings and returns true if the set of tiles can be used to spell the word. You
have more than one tile with the same
letter, but you can only use each tile once.
Break into these steps:
1. Loop through the
string of letters to find the first letter in the target word. If you find it,
print that the target letter is found
2. You want to be able
to remove the found letter from the string because it cannot be used twice. You
cannot change a string that is in constant memory. Make a new character array
and use strcpy from the parameter to the new string.
Then set the
found letter to a non-letter such as *.
3. Loop through each
target letter, removing the letter in the letter string when the target letter
is matched. One unfound letter lets you return false. Matching the last letter
lets you return true. Surround your existing loop with an outer loop to do
You could instead make use of strstr(s1, s2); or you could make use of char *strrchr(const char *str, int c)