C Programming Test Extra Credit

1) Monday 10/20 - Extra Credit quiz to enable up to 10 points added to your grade, not exceeding 100.

2) If you scored below 60 on the original test, it may point to a weakness in the material from prerequisites. I want to give you a path to reteach yourself the prior material, hopefully with the help of one of the Adelphi tutors. Use https://prof.beuth-hochschule.de/fileadmin/user/scheffler/Lehre/Think-C_v1.08.pdf , and hand me 8 coding exercises including at least 1 from each chapter from 3 - 7. After doing these 8 exercises, you can schedule a prereq Extra Credit quiz to raise your grade up to an 80 on this test. It will not be a small effort, but will help you gain traction in this course and the ones to follow. If you find a resource you prefer to use, ask me to approve it before you get started.