File IO Homework2
Writing and Reading a Binary File.
Create a text file that stores a First name, a last name, and an age, one record per line.
Your program will read a line of text from this file and then create a structure (what other languages would call a record) containing that data. Then write the object in a new binary file. The binary file that you have created should contain a series of records, each record containing a first name, last name and an age.
Your program should then close the file and re-open it for input, read the file record by record and display on the screen, one record per line.
You will submit your source code, content of the text file and then output generated by the program.
Note: If you get odd results for reading values, please be sure you do not have a \r carriage return in your file. You can remove \r using notepad++'s edit / EOL Conversion / Unix.
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