University |
CSC270 C Programming Test CORRECTIONS |
Professor Pepper DUE DATE: 10/28/2015 at 2:25 pm |
_________________________ Date:
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You must turn in a completed extra credit, not partial.
You are permitted to discuss this exam with other students currently
enrolled in this course.
You are encouraged to use notes
and textbooks (including from this class). If you use a reference, other than
our textbook, for a particular problem, then it must be noted at the end of the
Do not submit any work that you do not fully understand. The professor
reserves the right to ask any student to explain any portion of this correction
If you decide to take on this
assignment, you must report for 1 hour of tutoring within the
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Bridges or the Learning Center.
You may discuss these problems with the
tutors; however, a tutor cannot do these problems for you!
To be eligible for 60% of the points
you lost on the C Programming Test:
For each of the 2 construction questions:
o Copy
your original answer into notepad++. Use comments before at least half the lines
to explain exactly what every line of the code you submitted was creating. In
comments, Write a few sentences about how it did not
match the specification and what should be done to change the program.
o Write a
working program by making as few changes as possible. It must keep your
variable names and be an outgrowth of your original structure. This must be your own work. Tutors can show
you how to execute similar logic, but cannot answer this question.
o Hand
me: the 2 commented exercises and
the corrected code - 4 files altogether
For the multiple choice questions: - creation of a study guide
o Find
the problem concepts: look through the incorrect answers, and write a list of
facts or concepts you had difficulty with.
o Read
about those concepts and facts in your textbook
and talk to your friends about it.
o Then,
take your problem concepts page to a tutor (learning center, math department
tutor, professor, or bridges program tutor only) to learn and write a study
guide containing an explanation and an example for each fact or concept on your
o Have
the tutor sign your study guide to verify that you worked on this guide with
the tutor.
o Hand
me: one study guide covering all topics that gave you trouble in the
multiple choice section SIGNED by the tutor
Write a quick reflection on how you
plan to approach learning C++
§ 1
paragraph reflection paper on the methods you employed to learn C programming
before the Midterm. Also, describe new
approaches you plan to implement in the next portion of this course.
§ Hand
me: one paragraph with full sentences reflecting
thoughtful contemplation of study methods
You must abide by Adelphi’s honor code – “every student is on his or her honor not
to cheat, nor to plagiarize, nor to act dishonorably” – will be strictly
enforced; any violation will result in an immediate failure and possible
disciplinary actions for all parties involved.
Some more details on the study guide:
Here is an example:
Note, if
there could be a textbook chapter title with their topic, it is too broad. Find
topics by combing through all their test answers to figure out what facts and
concepts tripped you up. It should be broader than - the answer to this
question is.. but not book
chapter broad. You may see an overarching topic that you can include as
Here are some good topics:
Here is an example explanation with
examples under a topic on the study guide: For the study guide for "When
should I use the * and when do I not use the * with pointers", something like this
would be fine:
When should I use the * and when do I
not use the * with pointers
Creating a pointer is different from
using a pointer for the *.
Place the *
between the type and the variable name for creating a pointer.
· int * y
· int* function (int * x)
Place the * before the variable name when you want the value
being pointed at when using the pointer after creation.
· *y = 7;
When don't I need a * when creating a pointer: Never (However an
array is very much like a pointer with no *, but let's deal with that in
another topic altogether.)
And when don't I need a * when using my pointer variable:
· When I
want to change the address the pointer looks at:
o y =
o y = myarrayvariable
o y = someOtherPointerToAnInt
o y=y+1
(pointer math)
· When I
want to use the pointer to get to an array element
o y[2] = 7
o int b = y[3]
These can be picayune topics, so feel free to comb your books,
or my study guide (
or other study guides on my
presentation site
or any other sources on the
internet for good answers. This does not have to be completed in one session. You
only have to work with a tutor for one hour on this, but are welcome to work
more or to complete it on your own. I do want the study guide, as far as
it has progressed, signed by the tutor as proof of working with the tutor, but
it does not have to be completed when you see the tutor.