C++ Summary

·         general differences from C:

o   using namespace std OR std::

o   const

§  before declaring a variable ->  no change after initialization

·         this works inside parameters also

§  after a method -> no change to "this" object's variables

o   bool type

o   pass by reference

§  & before variable name in method header definition – nothing else

o   definition of constants

§  #define <name to use in program> <value> :

·         ex: #define NO 0

·         can use this to embed a function:

o   ex: #define sqr(x) ((x)*(x))

§  enum day {SUN = 1, MON, TUE, WED, THUR, FRI, SAT}; 

·         will start at 1 and end at 7

·         create variable as day mydayvar

o   structures

§  define as: struct mydatatype { int x; int y;};

§  create variable as mydatatype mydata;

o   inline functions

o   keyword inline before return type in method header makes it run faster

o   Class structure

class classname  (optional : public baseclass -> inherit base public and protected methods and variables)



        public declarations – anyone can see


·         function name is classname,

·         have no return type

·         return an object of the class

·         shortcut: use colon and then either method call or list of variable(value) comma separated

o   Ex    Employee::Employee(string first) : baseEmp(), fname(first)

·         explicitly call constructor of base class

pointer variables or dynamic memory allocation requires RULE OF THREE :

destructors: function name is ~classname, have no return type and destroy the object it is called upon

copy assignment: classname& operator =(const classname& orig) build "this" from orig and return *this.

copy constructor:  classname(const classname &orig) – create a new object

functions definition:

·         all functions can be overloaded; call will match function name and parms

·         can set default values with = : ex: myfunc(int count=10) – 10 is default value if no parm is passed to function.

·         access class variables with this-> or (*this). or just the variable name

·         use classname::methodname if not inside method

·         virtual at beginning means use derived (child's)  object's method of the actual object being referenced, not of the variable type. For example, if a shape has a virtual area method and a pointer to a shape holds a triangle, the triangle method will be used.

·         overload operators with "operator + " (plus being the operator) instead of method name.

·         to use method of actual object type, can dynamically cast to inherited type:

o   dynamic_cast < inherited type *>  pointer to base type

o   example: dynamic_cast <HourlyEmployee> a[1]; (where a[1] is a pointer to an Employee that contains a real HourlyEmployee object.


More facts on inheritance http://home.adelphi.edu/~pe16132/csc270/assignment/InheritanceFunctioning.html

                                Access Modifiers:

§  private:   only this class with its member functions and friends can see

§  protected: only this class with its member functions and inherited classes and friends can see

§  public: open to everyone

                                Creating a class variable

·         Classname variable; -- default constructor

·         Classname variable(constructor variable values) -- constructor

Separate Interface from Implementation:

H file holds classname and all includes, and one time definition control:

·         #ifndef X.H

·         #defineX.H


·         #endif

CPP file holds single methods:

                                                #include "classname.h"

                                                classname:: before methods   from .h or closed class.

                                Separate main

·         Using cin and cout: include <iostream> for io instead of <stdio.h>

o   cout :

§  << separates parts

§  endl is new line

§  format flags

·         cout.setf(formatter)

o   ios::showpoint

o   ios::fixed

·         cout.precision(#)

·         cout.width(#) – only applies to the very next variable used.

§  cout.put(char) ex: cout.put('a')

§  cout.putback() – to input stream, not output

o   cin:

§  >> separates parts

§  accepts variables, not pointers

§  cin.getline(cstring, max length) OR getline(cin, string, ending char such as '\n')

·         stops at and does not include ending char.

§  cin.get(cstring, length)  length of 1 default OR

§  cin.peek() returns next character without removing from stream.

§  cin.ignore() –flushes buffer, Can put a length and char to stop at

·         include <cstdlib> for standard features

o   exit ()

·         Include <cstring> for string functions like in c (same as <string.h>)

o   Cannot use std::string as parameters (unless you convert them to cstring first)

o   strcpy(s, t) – copies t into s

o   strncpy(s,t,n) – copies n characters of t into s

o   strcat(s,t) – concatenates t onto the end of s

o   strlen(s) – length of s (not including \0)

o   strcmp(s,t) – compares the two: 0 if s == t; <0 if s < t, >0 if s > t

·         include <cctype> for char type functions like in c

o   toupper(c) – returns the character in uppercase as an int – throw into character variable

o   isupper(c) – returns true if c is uppercase

o   isalpha(c) – returns true if c is a letter

o   isdigit(c) – returns true if c is a digit

o   isalum(c) – returns true if c is alphanumeric

o   isspace(c) – returns true if c is a space

o   ispunct(c) – returns true if c is a printable character other than number, letter or space

o   isprint(c) – returns true if c is a printable character

o   isgraph(c) – returns true if c is a printable character other than whitespace

o   iscrtl(c) – returns true if c is a control character

·         include <string> (same as std::string) using namespace std

o   = assigns and + concatenates and == tests

o   2 ways to create

§  string str = "a string"

§  string str("a string")

o   str.length – returns length as a property

o   str[#] – lets you get straight to character index as though it were an array (no protection on out of bounds)

o   str.at(#) – returns character in str at I (does have bounds checking)    

o   str.substr(position, length); - returns substring

o   str.insert(position, str2); put str2 into str starting at position

o   str.replace(position, length to be replaced, replacement string)

o   str.find(str1, position) –returns index of str1 in str (position optional)

o   str.c_str() – returns a cstring

o   Helpful: getline(cin, str) : std::getline (std::cin,name); - input up to, not including null from cin to str

·         Moving between string types

o   Note: Microsoft MFC also has a  class named CString

o   Converting between cstring and string

§  Sample cstring and string:

·         char aCString[] = “This is my C-string.”;

·         std::string stringVariable; (if using namespace std, can leave off std::)

§  CString to String

·         stringVariable = aCString;

·         std::string stringVariable2 (aCString);

·         NOT: strcpy(stringVariable, aCString);

§  String to CString

·         strcpy(aCString, stringVariable.c_str());

·         NOT: aCString = stringVariable;

·         NOT: strcpy(ACString, stringVariable);


·         Vectors:


·         dynamic arrays: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/dynamic/

o   define as a pointer to the type, not as an array: int * arr

§  you become responsible for memory management using malloc/free or new / delete

§  fixed array would be int arr[20];

o   add elements with the new keyword, which allocates memory as well as creating the value:

§  arr = new int [3]; points arr at the start of an array of 3 ints.

§  adds onto heap, not stack

o   delete memory by using delete on the pointer

§  delete arr deletes arr[0]

§  delete[ ] arr deletes entire arr

§  neither deletes or even changes the address of the pointer

§  delete what you create with new

§  don't mix with malloc – free what you malloc

o   proper use

§  myPointer = new int;

§  delete myPointer; // free the memory new int gave you

§  myPointer = NULL; //move dangling ptr to NULL

o   2D arrays – pointer to pointer:

§  int * * arr2d // make it a 2 *3 array:

§  arr2d = new int[2]; // num rows

§  arr2d[i] = new int[3]; // num cols


·         Exceptions

o   Create a class describing the error

§  inherit from <stdexcept> to get runtime_error and its "what" method

o   Throw when method finds an error

§  construct an object of the error class to throw

§  ex:    throw NegativeNumber("erasers")

§  If not caught, program exits

o   Catch class name or base class

§  catch the error classname and provide a name for the variable caught:

§  ex: catch (Exception &e);


·         File I/O

·         uses streams – fstream, ifstream and ofstream inherit from iostream

·         library <fstream>

·         ifstream defaults to in (or specify ios::in)

·         ofstream defaults to out (or specify ios::out)

·         fstream defaults to i/o (or specify ios::in | ios::out)

·         open binary with ios::binary

·         open append with ios::app

·         opening the file:

o   Declare a variable of type fstream; then ask it to open a file

o   Ex:

§  ofstream myfile;

§  myfile.open ("example.bin", ios::out | ios::app | ios::binary);

·         Get status:

o    myfile.is_open() : returns true if open

o    myfile.eof() : returns true if file at end and open for reading

o    myfile.bad() : return true if any read or write fails

o    myfile.good() : opposide of bad


·         File write and read cursor control



read (get)

write (put)






seekg(offset, direction)


seekp(offset, direction)


directions: ios::beg (beginning of file); ios::cur (current position); ios::end (end of file)


·         binary read and write helper:

o   read (buf, size);

o   write(buf, size);


·         Close when done with myfile.close();