NCATE/NAPE Standards
Core Values


Standard 1
Skill and Fitness
Based Competence

Physical education teacher candidates are the physically
educated individuals with the knowledge and skills
necessary to demonstrate competent movement
performance and health enhancing fitness as
delineated in the NASPE K-12 standards.
Target Heart Rate
The target heart rate calculations determine the different
percentages of heart rates at different times during
physical activity. This shows how quick or slow
one's heart rate would be at different moments. 

This connects to the standard by allowing student to test
their own heart rate levels by performing the physical
activities that they learned in their physical education classes.

Low Intensity Level
Medium Intensity Level
High Intensity Level

Each intensity level was based on how intense I performed
while performing different physical activities. I worked out on three
 different activity levels, and saw afterward, the level that my
heart rate was at.

Standard 2
Scientific and
Theoretical Knowledge

Physical education teacher candidates know and
apply discipline specific to scientific and theoretical
concepts critical to the development of  physically
educated individuals.
This activitygram is a thought out idea of daily
routines of students around the school. This will
show how they can manage their time while
becoming physically fit. This is a schedule that
they students can follow to have the "perfect" fit

This project connects to this standard by
showing the students how they (the physically
educated individuals) use what they have learned,
 develop, and strive to be the best that they can be.

Personal Profile
This profile allows students to show their risks of
becoming ill, injured, or contracting a disease. It
shows whether or not the student will be healthy
in their future.

This profile relates to the standard by giving the student
knowledge about their future health. They will receive
knowledge about how they can take care of their
bodies to prevent future discomfort and harm.

Data Summary
This profile shows the student's health risks. It
shows whether or not they have a chance of
contracting a disease and what harm they
might do to their bodies.

This summary relates to the standard because, like
the personal profile, it gives the students knowledge
about their future health. They will learn that they
need to take care of their bodies in order to have
a healthy future.

Standard 3
Planning and Implemention

Physical education teacher candidates plan and
implement a variety of development appropriate
learning experiences and content aligned with local
state and national standards to develop physically
educated individuals.
Students will learn how to plan a well developed
nutrition diet. They will place a healthy diet into
their daily lives.

This relates to the standard by allowing students to
be able to plan out how the decide to eat. They
have the option to eat healthy and plain out their
healthy nutrition routines.

Activity Log Report

This log report shows if students are up to par with
their fitness. They will set a goal work out time and
then fill in how long the actually work out. This will
show how dedicated the student is to their fitness.

This report connects with the standard by showing
how well students can plan they work out.They will
developmentally plan this out and this will comply
with the state and national standards of how long
students are supposed to be physically active.

Standard 4
Delivery and

Physical education teacher candidates use effective
communication and pedagogical skills and strategies
to enhance student engagement and learning.
The powerpoint, like the bro
cure, will shows what students should learn and
how they follow directions in the classroom. They can
use this brochure to aid them with what they will be seeing in
their physical education classes.

The power point related to the standard by allowing students
to use their community (they physical education class) to
learn correctly and enjoy their learning. This will help
students enhance the skill and strategies that they
have learned.

This project tests the athletic ability of the
students. They will participate in a series of
activities. Following these activities, they will
put their information into the computer and they
will soon see their outcomes; determining
whether or not they are in the "Healthy Fitness

This project connects to the standard by giving
the students instructions to follow. They will
follow what was given to them and perform
to the best of their ability. They will manage their
time and be able to input their results into the

Pedometer Activity
Activity Facts: Steps to a healthier you
These links show one can "step"to wellness." They show
different ways that people can use a pedometer to count
their  steps and  soon be in shape. Many can use these links
to follow steps and idea about pedometer use.

Standard 5
Impact on Student Learning

Physical education teacher candidates utilize
assessments and reflection to foster student
learning and inform instructional decisions.
This brochure shows what students should learn and
how they follow directions in the classroom. They
can use this brochure to aid them with what they
will be seeing in their physical education classes.

The brochure connects with the standard by
informing the students what they can expect in class.
They will be able to use the brochure to reflect on
what rules they must follow in class.

Pedometer and Polar Heart Rate activities
These activities can be used to get a student active in their
physical education classes. These activities require that the
student uses a pedometer and/or a polar heart rate monitor.
These devises will show how the student progresses with their
steps or their heart rate in class.

Standard 6

Physical education teacher candidates demonstrate
dispositions essential to becoming effective professionals.
Graphical Summary
This graphical summary shows how healthy the
student is and how athletic and fit they are.

This summary relates to the standard because is shows how
the student can "professionally" care for their bodies.
They can can track how they are physically doing
and which range their bodies fall into.

The Adelphi University
School of Education


Teachers must be scholars who
value and engage in lifelong
Target Heart Rate
The target heart rate calculations determine the different
percentages of heart rates at different times during
physical activity. This shows how quick or slow
one's heart rate would be at different moments. 

This connects to the standard by allowing student to test
their own heart rate levels by performing the physical
activities that they learned in their physical education classes.

Low Intensity Level
Medium Intensity Level
High Intensity Level

Each intensity level was based on how intense I performed
while performing different physical activities. I worked out on three
 different activity levels, and saw afterward, the level that my
heart rate was at.

Reflective Practice

Our educational philosophy
stresses the value of learning
through meaningful activity and
reflection within a community of
The powerpoint, like the bro
cure, will shows what students should learn and
how they follow directions in the classroom. They can
use this brochure to aid them with what they will be
seeing in their physical education classes.

The powerpoint relates to the standard by showing
how the student can relate to the activity that will be
taught in class. The student will learn the philosophy
of physical education and learning.

This activitygram is a thought out idea of daily
routines of students around the school. This will
show how they can manage their time while
becomming physically fit. This is a schedule that
they students can follow to have the "perfect" fit

This project connects to the standard by allowing
the students to learn through the activites that
they are participating in. The "community" being
our class, will allow the students to build up
endurance to complete their tasks.

Social Justice

We frame  our learning and service
within the cultural, historical, and
material contexts of our diverse


Our philosophy embraces
community and collaboration.


Our concept of learning is holistic.
Values and personal growth in the
physical, mental, social, emotional
and spiritual domains should be
Students will learn how to plan a well developed
nutrition diet. They will place a healthy diet into
their daily lives.

This relates to the standard by giving the students the
option to eat healthy. The will personally grown as
people and learn the values of making holistic
decisions for themselves.

This project tests the athletic ability of the
students. They will participate in a series of
activities. Following these activities, they will
put their information into the computer and they
will soon see their outcomes; determining
whether or not they are in the "Healthy Fitness

This project connects to the standars by giving
the students the a growth in physical, emotional,
and metal domains. They will physically try their
very best to complete these teasks in a healthy
way. They will mentally and emotionally
 strive for absolute success and  exhileration.
With these domains, they will nurtured by
their own success.

Graphical Summary
This graphical summary shows how healthy the
student is and how athletic and fit they are.

This summary connects to the standard by showing
how healthy the student is and what range they fall into
based on their health.

Personal Profile
This profile allows students to show their risks of
becoming ill, injured, or contracting a disease. It
shows whether or not the student will be healthy
in their future.

This profile relates to the standard by showing
how the student will fulfill their "wellness" in their
future and how healthy they will be when they
become older.

Data Summary
This profile shows the student's health risks. It
shows whether or not they have a chance of
contracting a disease and what harm they
might do to their bodies.

This summary relates to the standard by showing the
risks that the students will encounter in their futures.
They will learn whether or not they will be healthy
when they grow older.

Pedometer Activity
Activity Facts: Steps to a healthier you
These links show one can "step"to wellness." They show
different ways thatpeople can use a pedometer to count
their stepsand  soon be in shape. Many can use these links
to follow steps and idea about pedometer use.


Creativity and vision are inherent
qualities of a good teacher. The
creative process allows us to
reflect on our world as well as to
envision ways of making it more
humane, just, and beautiful.
This brochure shows what students should learn and
how they follow directions in the classroom. They
can use this brochure to aid them with what they
will be seeing in their physical education classes.

The brochure connects to the standard because it
allows students to creativly process what they are to
expect in class. This will allow them to group
together what is expected of them and how they can
be a better student.

Activity Log Report
This log report shows if students are up to par with
their fitness. They will set a goal work out time and
then fill in how long the actually work out. This will
show how dedicated the student is to their fitness.

This log report relates to the standard by allowing
the students to be creative with how long they want
to work out. They can choose the times and the
legnths of their work outs.

Pedometer and Polar Heart Rate activities
These activities can be used to get a student active in their
physiucal education classes. These activities require that the
student uses a pedometer and/or a polar heart rate monitor.
These devises will show how the student progresses with their
steps or their heart rate in class.

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Last updated on 5/14/08