Polar Heart Rate Monitor

A WebQuest for: High School Physical Education Students

Designed by

Jessica Grillo

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits |



A person's heart rate is very important. One may determine how healthy they are by realizing the speed of their heart compared to the level of physical activity that they take part in. During the next few days in physical education class, each student will be given a polar heart rate monitor, time themselves, and see their heart rates during different physical activities. They students will also be given a list of different physical activities at different intensities. They will record their heart rates at the different intensity levels

About the Polar Heart Rate Monitor

The Task

The outcome is quite simple. You will see the result of your heart rate as well as the highs and lows of your heart rate compared to the intensity of the physical activity that you partake in. Along with this, you will see your heart rate in a chart on the computer application provided for you.  

The Process

You will be placed into groups of two. You will perform the tasks, while your partner assists you with any needs you might have during the tasks. After you finish each physical task, you will hand the watch that you were given, to your partner in your group. Your partner will now reset the watch and begin the same tasks. Once you both complete these tasks, you will make your way to a computer and place your input into the program provided for you.


1. First, you will begin by walking around the gym. For 2 minutes.
2. Next, you will walk around the gym while dribbling a basketball. For 2 minutes.
3. Next, you will shoot free throws. For 2 minutes.
4. Next, you will play hop scotch.
Finally, you will record their final heart rate in a computer program available for the students. You will see that these activities made their graph jump to a low or a stable height.

(Switch. Student 2 will now perform the tasks.)


1. First, you will begin by speed walking around the gym. For 2 minutes.
2. Next, you will speed walk around the gym while dribbling a basketball. For 2 minutes.
3. Next, you will shoot 3 pointers. For 2 minutes.
4. Next, you will do jumping jacks. For 2 minutes.
Finally, you will record their final heart rate in a computer program available for the students. You will see that these activities made their graph jump to a mediocre height.

(Switch. Student 2 will now perform the tasks.)


1. First, you will begin by jogging or running around the gym. For 2 minutes.
2. Next, you will jog or run around the gym while dribbling a basketball. For 2 minutes.
3. Next, you will shoot half court lay-ups. For 2 minutes.
4. Next, you will jump rope at a fast pace. For 2 minutes.
5, F
inally, you will record their final heart rate in a computer program available for the students. You will see that these activities made their graph jump to a high height.

(Switch. Student 2 will now perform the tasks.)


Examples of what the charts should look like:

Low intensity chart
Medium intensity chart
High intensity chart

More about the Polar Heart Monitor
Another article about the Polar Heart Rate Monitor













2 minutes


You will begin by walking around the gym.

You will begin by speed walking around the gym.

You will begin by jogging or running
 around the gym



        2 minutes       


Next, you will walk around the gym while dribbling a basketball.
Next, you will speed walk around the gym while dribbling a basketball.
Next, you will jog around the gym while dribbling a basketball.



2 minutes



Next. you will begin to shoot foul shots.

Next, you will begin to shoot 3 pointers.

Next, you will begin to shoot half court lay-ups.



2 minutes 

Next, you will play hop scotch

Next, you will perform jumping-jacks

Next, you will jump rope at a fast pace.



Remaining time

Finally, you will record their final heart rate in the computer program available for them. You will see that these activities made the graph jump to a low/stable height.

Finally, you will record their final heart rate in the computer program available for them. You will see that these activities made the graph jump to a mediocre height.

Finally, you will record their final heart rate in the computer program available for them. You will see the results that these activities made the graph jump to a great height.



In conclusion, you will see the end results of the different heart rates that you will have during he different tasks that you will perform. This will teach you how to stimulate your heart rates and show you the kinds of physical activities that will make you heart rate be stable or jump.

I ask all of you to think about the different activities that you can perform to that will be considered high intensity, low intensity, and medium intensity.

I also ask you think think about different ways to perform the tasks that I had provided for you at different intensities.

Insert Graphic (s)

Credits & References

Polar Discount.com
Polar USA.com

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Last updated on: 4/15/08