Light Pollution
(zoom out of this page to get a full view)
When we think about saving the world, or doing better for the
world, light pollution is not
what usually comes to mind. It may not have immediate effects but
it does have consequences that
we should be more aware of.
Although a stunning view, the background image of this webpage
should serve as reminder that
we must keep our lights off. Not only is light pollution working
against the preservation of many
indigenous cultures but it also has been shown to effect our
health and wildlife as well.
Wild Life
Most obviously, nocturnal animals are greatly effected by light
pollution as they are
biologically wired to function best in the dark. and solely
by moonlight.
Lights can blink on and off and cause confusion and through
migrating birds
off course, as well as luring insects to their deaths.
(Although not all bugs
are pretty as butterflies, remember that they still play an
important role
in any balanced ecosystem ! )
Not convinced yet? Think about the baby turtles hatching at night
ready to explore the ocean. Scientist as the Sea Turtle
Conservancy believe that the turtle hatchlings instinctually
follow the brightest thing they can observe at night, which
would typically be the moon. Light pollution near their
beaches can disorient them and lead them astray ultimately
dooming the hatchlings.
The Florida Astronomical Observatory has a page
dedicated to the possible linkage between various
types of cancer and light pollution. The hypothesis
being that our biological reaction to all the light
is what causes the problems when we are receiving
too much of it.
We are not nocturnal creatures- we sleep at night
when it is dark and awaken naturally when there
is light. If our body does not take the natural cues
to fall asleep when it is dark, our bodies miss
out on functions it usually carries out during
sleep that are vital to our health. Denying
ourselves these small processes can accumulate
and lead to health complications like our
ability to fight off diseases, fight off
depressions, and fight off obesity.
For the indigenous people of Australia,
a lot of their history is disappearing as
light pollution rapidly consumes the stars
they used to tell their story as they have
done for hundreds of years.
This is a trend we see through many cultures
who pass on their heritage through verbal
communication. Because of light pollution
preservation of these peoples cultures is
also at risk.
Don't believe me? Check these sites!
Dark Sky Association
Sea Turle Conservancy
Astronomical Observatory
Background image retreieved from
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