Rounded Rectangle: Science Fact:
Despite popular misconceptions, Einstein was very good at math, having mastered differential and integral calculus by age 15.
Text Box:


Text Box: Evil
Text Box: Genius
Text Box: about us
Text Box: World domination
Text Box: henchmen
Text Box:  store
Text Box: contact us
Text Box: Home

Home               About Us               World Domination               Henchmen               Store                Contact Us

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It usually says legal things, but I don't know any legal things so I’m typing this like an idiot

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About Us

             Evil Genius Labs is an organization which is truly dedicated to evil, havoc, and of course world domination. We specialize in scientific devices which are specifically designed to assist in evil and illegal activities. For a more in depth look at who we are and what we do, visit our “About Us” page.

World Domination

             World domination will inevitably be ours some day, by whatever means necessary. We already have multiple projects underway to develop methods and strategies to unite the world under a single dictatorship. These methods include mind control devices, massive tractor beams, and many other top secret projects.

Over at our “World Domination” page you can see how to pledge your allegiance to our cause and be guaranteed a spot among the elite when our plots are realized.


             We are constantly amassing large henchmen armies as well as henchmen officers, each a complete master in their specialty. These forces are unmatched in precision, discipline, and obedience. For a closer look at all the different henchmen forces, or if you think you may be qualified to join the Evil Genius Labs ranks visit the “Henchmen” page.


             If you would like to support evil and world domination, you could head over to our store. We have a full line of Evil Genius apparel, as well as a number of weapons of minor destruction. Don't miss out!!