Rounded Rectangle: Science Fact:
A neutron star, the final phase in the life of some stars, usually weighs two to three times the sun. however, with a diameter of about 7.5 miles, no larger than Brooklyn, it is so dense that a golf ball size piece of neutron star would weigh about the same as the empire state building, times 50,000.
Text Box:


Text Box: Evil
Text Box: Genius
Text Box: about us
Text Box: World domination
Text Box: henchmen
Text Box:  store
Text Box: contact us
Text Box: Home

Home               About Us               World Domination               Henchmen               Store                Contact Us

This is what fine print looks like at the end of some web-sites.

It usually says legal things, but I don't know any legal things so I’m typing this like an idiot

This is what a copyright symbol looks like ©.

The year is 2013.

Do you use social media sites?

Well then here you go, all your favorite sites!!

We are, of course, constantly using our henchmen and their specialized talents to further our plots for world domination. Most of our more promising endeavors come from our extensive science department. Headed up by our lead scientist, Dr. Evil, our scientific team is one of the best in the world. They are                                                   constantly coming up with technologies and scientific achievements which are years ahead of                                                               anyone else. You may be asking yourself “why don't I see any of the ‘revolutionary’ devices in my life?”                                                 that’s a stupid question, but anyway, if you pledge your allegiance to us now, you will be guaranteed                                                    not only use of these amazing technological advances, but a place among the elite, and a life free from                                                          otherwise mandatory shifts at the work camps once world domination is complete. We keep these                                                              discoveries secret because, when in the business of world domination, it is very convenient to be better                                                   equipped on all fronts than the rest of the world.


                 We will of course not disclose here our current plots, because most of them are guaranteed to work and rely on complete secrecy, but you may recognize some of our past plots, mostly ideas from the head scientist, from world news outlets. These include:


Tractor Beam:

In this diabolical endeavor we constructed a tractor beam with the strength to pull the moon out of proper orbit, causing massive tidal waves, and subsequently floods. We would of course be waiting these events in a submarine. While the world was collecting itself after the massive destruction, we would strike the major points around the globe, gaining control over multiple, strategically located governments. From there world domination would be a proverbial piece of cake.

                 This plot fell through when our scientists revealed that this device would require more power than the U.S. uses in a whole year. This is obviously unfeasible for us currently.

The nuclear option

             Another prominent plot was to steal a nuclear missile. We would then ask the world to surrender to our will, fulfilling our desires for world domination. If the necessary countries do not submit we would then let the people of the world know of the answers that their beloved governments gave us, creating mass panic, during which we would strike, allowing us into the aforementioned governments, launching our campaign for world domination.

                 This plan is great… only when you can acquire a nuclear device, which we were not able to do. If anyone knows where we can get one please let me know. We tried the north Koreans, but it turns out that they are just a bunch of liars and aren't actually nuclear.

For guaranteed freedom after our world domination is had, sign up below to pledge allegiance to our cause