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If you're reading this, you are definitely one who has a soft spot for romance. You can't help it, you just love "love".

And hot guys/girls. Definitely can't forget the hot guys/girls ! 

We would recommend you try this anime selections:

Kimi ni Todoke

See Trailer Here !!!

This is a classic/ not so classic play on any anime watchers heart strings. This anime shys away from your traditional cute girl gets the guy type, and ventures into the story of a your high school girl named sawako , who is labeled as scary looking by her class mates. She is often alienated, but to viewers she is the kindest and most misunderstood character, which makes you want to cuddle her even more. Kazehaya is your resident popular kid, who embodies everything sawako wants to be - cool approachable and able to make friends. Her sudden friendship with him, leads her to step out of her shell and have a high school experience she never dreamed would happen.

Trust me, you can't go wrong with this anime, it has the right amount of love, strife and comedy that leaves you rooting for Sawako's happiness. This isn't just your typical romance between Kazehaya and Sawako, but this anime also explores the romance in making frinds and the innocent dreams of a highschool girl just wanting to fit in.

Even if you don't like romance as much, I guarantee you'll enjoy this show. As a matter of fact, I'm going to watch it right now!

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