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If you like action, This next recommendation will not disappoint!                    

Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba)

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This anime follows the story of a young boy in Taisho era Japan named, Tanjiro Kamado. He is inroduced as a kindhearted, intelligent boy who takes care of his mother and four little siblings post the death of his father. He faces a life changing event after a demon comes and slays his mother and 3 younger siblings, leaving only the second oldest, Nezuko behind. However, because the demon wasn't ableto fully kill Nezuko, she is truned into one herself (not fully though, she is still half human). Nezuko and the approached by demon slayers, but spared when the slayer realizes that Nezuko still posses human qualities. In a race to find a cure to turn his sister back human, Tanjiro embarks on a journey with Nezuko, while also becoming a demon slayer himself.


This anime produces top quality action scenes for the fights between the demons and respective slayers. While watching this show, I, myslef was left in awe of how claen and grasping everything looks. This is the kind of action that make you hold your breath for the whole fight scene without you even realize you're doing so. I'd rate this 10/10.

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