Movies and Books
Meet the Characters
Test Yourself

How well do you know your Harry Potter?  Take the test below and find out!

1) Which Harry Potter word is in the Oxford English Dictionary?

  1. Voldemort

  2. Muggle

  3. Fuggle

2) Who were Harry’s parents?

  1. Jacob and Elizabeth Potter

  2. James and Lily Potter

  3. Hermione and Ron Potter

3) What are the names of Harry’s aunt and uncle?

1.Vernon and Petunia Dursley

2.Ned and Camilla Doodley

3. Samuel and Ericka Deedley

4) What shape is Harry’s scar on his forehead?

1.Lightning Bolt

2. Heart

3. A chicken nugget

5) Which house is the house for intelligence and wit?

  1. Hufflepuff

  2. Slytherin

  3. Ravenclaw

6) At what age do witches and wizards get their letter to Hogwarts?

  1. 11 years old

  2. 14 years old

  3. 8 years old

7) What is the name of Harry’s pet owl?


2. Scabbers

3. Hagrid

8) What is the most popular sport in the wizarding world?

  1. Soccer

  2. Quidditch

  3. Wiffle Ball

1) Muggle
2) James and Lily Potter
3) Vernon and Petunia Dursley
4) Lightning Bolt
5) Ravenclaw
6) 11 years old
7) Hedwig
8) Quidditch