Breakfast Foods:
- Fruits - Bananas, Apples (a day keeps the doctor away!),
Blueberries (antioxidants)
- Oatmeal - The ultimate simple breakfast
- Eggs - Eggs are the best breakfast food to eat due to their
high protein concentration
Lunch Foods:
- Whole Grains - Whole grain breads are important for daily
fiber and many other reasons. Choose whole over potato!
- Meats - Eating cold cuts as a sandwich can be a good meal,
adding lettuce, tomato, and (sometimes) cheese.
- Yogurt - Greek Yogurt has up to twice the protein of other
yogurts, and is a source of good fats.
- Meats - Try baking you meats instead of frying them. It will
still taste good, and it is a lot healthier.
- Vegetables - Don't forget the greens. They are vital to
receiving vitamins and minerals for your body.
- Carbohydrates - Starches are not all bad, especially if you
are trying to bulk. Steamed rice and baked potatoes are good
substitutes for french fries!
- Drink a protein shake in between meals if you feel hungry or
- Meal replacement shakes can be utilized as well if you have no
time to eat.
- Like everything else, staying organized with what you are
eating is extremely important.
- Keep a book of everything you eat, with essential nutritional
values to make sure you are getting enough of what you need, and
less of what you don't want.
- Pre-make meals. Using Tupperware containers can be your best
friend if you are a usually busy person. Pre-making meals for
the day can save you time and won't allow you to slip up and buy
fast food when you are hungry!