About the Course
What I Learned
About This Course

This 3 credit online course is taught in Spring 2018 by Adjunct Professor Kristin Pepper.
Course ID: 0145-170-002

"Students will engage in online learning. Students will interpret technical specifications in computer advertisements as demonstrated by specifying a new computer and defending their choices. Students will design and publish a cohesive web site using free web design, graphics and ftp tools. Students will apply basic information literacy skills of locating, evaluating and citing scholarly sources when crafting a web site with a bibliography on an information technology issue. Students will implement Word and Excel projects to demonstrate proficiency with features such as table of contents, page numbering, headers and footers, relative vs absolute references, formulas, functions and charting. Students will find numerical data to support a thesis, present a graph built in Excel and discuss inferences from the data." - Introduction to Computer Applications Syllabus of Spring 2018

The one thing I learned that I found most precious from this course was that we can always learn more, especially when it comes to technology. I have come to love to learn more new things that my computer can do and fascinates me every time I am enlightened of these functions. I appreciate this course for introducing me into the world I would have never gave another look to otherwise. Learn more at the "What I Learned" page.

Topics include:
- Word and graphics
- Excel
- Specifying your computer system
- Interoperation of products with Mail/Merge
- Draw meaningful inferences from numerical data
- IT Ethics - focus on social networking
- Creating a web site and managing files
- Information Literacy Topics:
    a) Citing Your Work
    b) Evaluating Sources
    c) Information Resources

Full syllabus can be found here.

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