About the Course
What I Learned
What I Learned

The one thing I learned that I found most precious from this course was that we can always learn more, especially when it comes to technology. I have come to love to learn more new things that my computer can do and fascinates me every time I am enlightened of these functions. I appreciate this course for introducing me into the world I would have never gave another look to otherwise.

What I Learned
Photo Album
I learned how to link different sections of the document in the case where we have a lengthy paper or project so that we can save time by clicking the links in the table of contents to see that section.
Greeting Card
I learned how to use a website composer, Seamoney, and also learned how useful Filezilla is too because it can transport files from your desktop to the website you are creating.
I learned how to research topics and determine whether they are peer reviewed. We also learned how to cite accurately.
Pro/Con Website
I learned how to create a pro and con perspective to the argument I chose and determine the credibility of these sources.
Excel Stats Workbook
This was the first time I ever used Excel and learned how to use the many basic functions of Excel. I learned how to calculate the sum and average of the data and also sort some of it.
Excel Inventory
I learned how to create a data table of my own in excel and organize it with sums and averages in each column. I also was able to include a bar chart.
Excel Fix
I learned how to check the workbook and fix certain elements of it which expanded my knowledge and experience of excel.
Data Analysis
I learned how to create pivot charts including filters, use the lookup function and use mail merge. These were the most useful things I discovered throughout this course.
Graph Analysis
This assignment combined our prior assignments and involved the data research and analysis of our prior argument assignment. We looked up data and checked their credibility and created charts in the previous assignment (Data Analysis) and then analyzed them in this assignment and included some more conclusive evidence and statements.
Hardware Comparison Spreadsheet
I learned a lot of the individual components of the computer. I find it interesting how similar computers and human beings work. The websites linked that describe the components and their functions in comparison to the human organs and systems really made a lot of sense to me. I learned a huge distinction between hard drives, RAM, and processor.
Final Website
I learned how to create a website and solidify all my abilities we learned back in the beginning of the semester. I was also able to review much of the semester as I did my website on the summary of the course so I had an opportunity to look at it all again.

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