Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Adelphi University

Spring 2018



0145-170-002 & 003

Introduction to Computers and Their Applications - 3 credits


Adjunct Professor Kristin Pepper

Science 409

(516) 297-5241


Office Hours

Monday 8am – 9am and Thursday 4pm – 5pm  Online  (call my cell 516-297-5241 and then click the blue hangout button in your course.)

Post questions in the General Course Discussion Questions, which will email me and be available to all students for answers, plus feel free to email me directly with any private concerns.  

Course Description and Purpose

Learn to use common computer applications (e.g. word processing, presentation, spreadsheets, databases, Web authoring, search engines), and also discuss social and ethical issues related to computing and telecommunications.


Gen Ed Learning

Goals and Distribution



Information Literacy

Quantitative Reasoning

Course Learning Goals

Students will engage in online learning. Students will interpret technical specifications in computer advertisements as demonstrated by specifying a new computer and defending their choices. Students will design and publish a cohesive web site using free web design, graphics and ftp tools. Students will apply basic information literacy skills of locating, evaluating and citing scholarly sources when crafting a web site with a bibliography on an information technology issue. Students will implement Word and Excel projects to demonstrate proficiency with features such as table of contents, page numbering, headers and footers, relative vs absolute references, formulas, functions and charting. Students will find numerical data to support a thesis, present a graph built in Excel and discuss inferences from the data. 




Recommended Texts

A flash drive is recommended.

There is no required text for this course. Required materials are freely available online through Moodle. The following books are available at the Adelphi library. Please choose the version that matches the software you use at home:

Parsons, June Jamrich and Dan Oja. Computer Concepts, 2014 : Comprehensive Boston, Massachusetts: Course Technology, 2013. (ISBN: 978-1285096926)

Shaffer, Ann. New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007, First Course, Windows XP Edition. . Boston, Massachusetts: Course Technology, 2008. (ISBN 978-1-4239-0577-6)        

Beskeen, David W. Microsoft Office 2007: illustrated, Windows vista edition. Boston, Massachusetts: Course Technology, 2008 (ISBN: 9781423905592) 

Shaffer, Ann. New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2010, First Course. Boston, Massachusetts: Course Technology, 2010. (ISBN 978-0538746533 ) 

Shaffer, Ann. New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013. Boston, Massachusetts: Course Technology, 2013. (ISBN 978-1285167640) 



Word and graphics


Specifying your computer system

Interoperation of products with Mail/Merge
Draw meaningful inferences from numerical data

IT Ethics - focus on social networking

Creating a web site and managing files

Information Literacy Topics:

  • Citing Your Work
  • Evaluating Sources
  • Information Resources

Major Assignments

Word: Picture Album 

Excel: Inventory Spreadsheet & Data Analysis Chart

Web: Greeting Card page and Final website

Computer Literacy: Hardware Comparison Spreadsheet

Ethics & Information Literacy: Social Network project


No software needs to be purchased, though you may prefer to purchase MS Office. Most assignments provide tutorials for Open Office, a free alternative to MS Office for both mac and windows. Adelphi Lab computers all have MS Office.



10% will be dropped for anything 1 week late, and some assignments cannot be handed in late. Be sure to back up your classwork frequently so that you do not lose work.

The course grading scale is: A 93-100, A- 90-92, B+ 87-89, B 83-86, B- 80-82, C+ 77-79, C 73-76, C- 70-72, D 60-69, and F is below 60. A+ is given at the professor's discretion.

The final grade will be a traditional letter grade (A-F).  

Grade Percentages:



Social Networking Project (including Data Analysis)


Discussions / Participation



Weekly Assignments



Mastery Projects


  • Excel Mastery: Inventory Spreadsheet  


  • Word Mastery: Picture Album 


  • Hardware Mastery: HW Comparison Spreadsheet




  • Hardware Quiz


  • Word and Excel Quiz


Final website




Responsibility for Online Work

Students are responsible for handing in all assignments on time. Work is due by Saturday at 11:55 pm (just before midnight) unless otherwise stated.  Submit questions to the general course discussion questions board. You can also call 877-3340 for Adelphi Customer Service, or call my number above and leave a message with your phone number.


The following is the Adelphi University General Attendance Policy:

Only students who are registered for courses, and whose name appears on the Official Class Roster may attend courses at the University. Adelphi students make a commitment to be active participants in their educational program; 


Attendance for an online course is measured by some participation during the week. Every week requires that you click at least a few Moodle links and do the activity it launches.


The participation grade will be based heavily upon discussions but will also be effected by submitting work every week and any extra effort made in helping classmates.


Exams have to be taken before the stated due date. The decision to allow a make-up exam later will be made in accordance with the policies of Adelphi University.


If the University is closed for any class session due to an emergency, check your Moodle News on snow closing days as due dates may be adjusted by the professor in very rare cases. Usually the schedule will remain the same.



All course materials will be delivered through Moodle.  A Moodle tutorial can be found at



Tentative Schedule (Subject to Change).


Due Date

Week #


Quizzes and Major Assignments due



Getting Started Short Setup

First discussion posting 



Introduction to Online Week

Download software

Social Networking Discussion 

Social Network Discussion



Word Week

Word Table of Contents, Section Control

Social Networking Discussion

Photo Album




Web Introduction Week

Web and Filezilla intro

Social Networking Powerpoint

Online library how to start a paper course

Create a first web site on panther

Social Networking




Web Card Week

Picture, background and email link

Basic web design practice

Begin CodeAcademy if you choose that path



Web Card 



Information Literacy Week

Find, cite and evaluate sources 

Draft Bibliography



Pro/Con Web Pages 

Pro/Con Site due

Pro/Con Web Site



Excel Basics Week

Excel Introduction: layout and basic calcs and functions

Excel :  absolute reference,   % of one total; if statement

Excel Stats Workbook





Spring Break – feel free to work ahead




Excel Inventory Week

Inventory spreadsheet


Excel Inventory





Excel Advanced Week

More Excel: Fix broken workbooks

Final Thesis work

Good charting guidelines

Excel inventory - all 4 sheets


Excel and Word Quiz



Excel Mastery Week

Excel Macro, Mail Merge,   Pivot, Lookup, Internet Data analysis, Filter


Excel Advanced sheet and merged word document




Literacy - Graphing numerical data

Find numerical data discussion

Social Networking Graph Analysis



Hardware Week

Computer hardware terminology and components

Comparing  advertised computers


 Hardware Comparison





Web Project Week

Introduce Web Project

Hardware Quiz



Advanced Web Week
Web Project Work



Web Project Due

Online Web Project Due



Adelphi University has a license agreement with, a service that helps prevent plagiarism from Internet resources. I reserve the right to request an electronic copy of any written assignment submitted in this course for review through Please see Adelphi's tips for students on preventing plagiarism and student instructions for for more information.


Students With Disabilities

If you have a disability that may significantly impact your ability to carry out assigned coursework, please contact the Student Access Office (SAO) at 516-877-3145 or send an email to  The staff will review your concerns and determine, with you, appropriate and necessary accommodations.  Please allow for a reasonable time frame for requesting ASL Interpreters or Transcription Services.


Honor Code

Students enrolled in this course are expected to abide by the Adelphi University Honor Code. The purpose of the Honor Code is to protect the academic integrity of the University by encouraging consistent ethical behavior in assigned coursework by students. Following is excerpted from the Student Honor Code:

“The Code of Academic Honesty
The Code of Academic Honesty prohibits behavior that can broadly be described as lying, cheating, or stealing. Violations of the Code of Academic Honesty will include, but not be limited to, the following:

1.     Fabricating data or citations

2.     Collaborating in areas not approved by the professor

3.     Unauthorized multiple submission of one’s own work

4.     Sabotage of others' work, including library vandalism or manipulation

5.     Plagiarism

6.     The creation of unfair advantage

7.     The facilitation of dishonesty

8.     Tampering with or falsifying records

9.     Cheating

10.  Other forms of academic dishonesty”

Student Course


During the last two weeks of the class, you will receive notification, via mail and eCampus, that the course evaluation is available for your input electronically. Availability will end at the start of the final examination period. Your feedback is valuable and I encourage you to respond. Please be assured that your responses are anonymous and the results will not be available to the instructor until after the end of the semester and therefore after course grades have been submitted.