Some Current News

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October 2012 last update

flower for Sue This news page is dedicated to my sister, Susie (February, 1941- August, 2003)

I imagine Sue would have loved this poem, as I do, a poem about Grizzly Bears dancing in summer!
More on Sue and Dave both (May-Aug., 2003)
That summer did end with other, happier news,
dog photos & results, (GRCA 2003 National).

In the Spring 2008, several years later, waiting for my azaleas to bloom (weeks away!) I came across this stunning Russian photo of Antartic iceberg (linked from NOAA's site). Hard to believe then that 5 yrs had past since I lost "Golly", my original Golden oldie girl. Sue and I talked a lot about missing our beloved dogs and Sue, bless her, made sure to sent me a sweet article on that, from her local newspaper. There was no hint then that she too would soon be gone and not long after, Rich's brother Bobby.

Meanwhile, in memory of those gone, here's what's blooming on my site (beauty, solace & one very funny Israeli joke)

Some topics of interest, past and present
PreSchool Children's Scientific Powers
It may look "like child's play, but preschoolers are actually behaving like scientists..." (from NYT Oct 1, 2012). See the work of Alison Gopnik and others.

President Obama's Speech in Tucson (1/12/2011):
Here on the web are Gail Collins' comments on Obama's speech
The quotes from the Scriptures, the Bible readings were so well chosen. Don't you agree? As for Obama's speech in particular, the most moving section-- when he spoke about nine-year-old Christine Taylor Green. Truly, "our hearts are broken..." in many ways by this tragedy. Thinking back to last weekend when the shooting occurred, I think... how little we know of mental illness... and surely there are weaknesses in our system. I know that words, hugs, prayers, kindness of all sorts, offer solace. Yet, how hard this be must be for all those directly affected.

Venus Williams wins Wimbleton! (2007) And... in 2012, the Olympics Serena & Venus in doubles.

Our 2001-2003 poet laureate, Billy Collins, whose poems include Another reason I don't keep a gun in the house (a message perhaps, embedded in a quite charming poem on dogs and Beethoven inter alia)

Eudora Welty is one of our greatest Southern writers. And you may also want to know how a well-known email program got its name {Hint: view source of this document and go looking.} Welty (1909-2001) won the 1972 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for her novel The Optimist's Daughter.

The 2004 Pulitzer Prize for NonFiction:
Anne Applebaum, for her book " Gulag: A History". Applebaum is a columnist and editor at The Washington Post.
The 2003 Pulitzer:
Samantha Powers for A Problem from Hell , which examines America's policy towards genocide. She wrote this book, driven by the massacres she saw in Bosnia, a year after she graduated from Yale. She is now executive director of the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard University..
The 2002 Booker Prize for Fiction:
Yann Martel for his work Life of Pi (see NY Times Book Review)

Some easy ways to eat less fat cooking tips- use low-/no-fat milk, grill or broil, steam those veggies!
(from the Mayo Clinic, August, 2004).

Cancer News: Doubt about the usefulness of mammograms has just been published, a retrospective study by European researchers. Puzzling, but important. A good write up in the NY Times, Sunday, Dec. 9, 2001, front page, I believe.

Hawaii's Endangered Species: Photographed by Susan Middleton and David Liittschwager in Remains of a Rainbow . FMI see Natalie Angier's article, NYTimes, with linked images . My favorite in the slide show is the sylvan green lacewing.(Sept. 20001)

2001: August news (cancer): A Kansas City pharmacist has admitted to dispensing taxol and gemzar (used in chemotherapy) in highly *diluted* form (8/15/01) see CNN's report and other news sites for details.

Katherine Graham (Washington Post) Steinem, on Graham, one of several NY Times articles, remembering Graham's accomplishments - July, 2001.

Informed consent in university-based medical research: Update, on Ellen Roche's death at Johns Hopkins in June. Why the research was suspended (from NY Times and Washington Post, with my comments added). Keep in mind that it is surely a lot easier in hindsight to see omissions and errors.

Some prior topics: HR 326 (research funding for ovarian cancer), dinosaurs by zipcode (
This page is highly personal selection of recent events. I try to update it several times a year.

Back to Dr. Hobson's homepage at Adelphi University, Long Island, NY
For earlier news: my September 11th pages includes the Gold Shepherd Fund
The Fund's purpose was to raise money and to honor SAR and other service dogs and their caretakers. GSF's original webpage is still up at

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Copyright by Sally Hobson. Permission granted to reproduce any part of this page, for personal, one time use only. The ribbon image is courtesy of ribbon art (thank you)