The raffle is DONE. Your donations sent in.

Let's continue to recognize the good work that service dogs do.
And always remember September 11th
An abbreviated version of the orginal page is below.

11 December, 2001 last full update

The Gold Shepherd Fund
red-white & blue ribbon

In the fall, 2001, the Gold Shepherd Fund conducted a special raffle within the dog-loving community, to raise money for the Sept 11th relief effort.

{What it asked folks to do was ...}
Please donate ($10) and encourage others to participate. Let's unite to help others, with a special dog-related tribute ...especially those who own and love Goldens, Labs, Shepherds and other working breeds. .... who admire the work of Search and Rescue Canine Units and service dogs generally and the staff who cared for the dogs at Ground Zero. ..

Our raffle items , include some wonderful photos of service dogs (a CPI pup in its red vest, SAR teams), an embroidered sweatshirt (dog with flag by C Madsen) and a specially signed Golden Retriever print by J Olgivie.

How to contribute/enter the raffle: Make a $10 check or money order out directly to one of SIX agencies (American Red Cross, NY Times Neediest, Salvation Army, Suffolk County SPCA, Twin Towers Fund or United Way September 11th Fund) and then, mail it to:

S Hobson .... NY 11520

Deadline:{PAST, was}: December 8, 2001.
After the raffle, I will batch mail your donations to the named agencies .

To encourage widespread participation, the Gold Shepherd Raffle Fund is restricted, as follows: Donations are limited to a small, fixed amount ($10 exactly), one donation per family, Commercial enterprises may not participate. NOTE: ...the Fund's operating expenses are zero.

To be eligible for The Gold Shepherd Raffle, you must follow the Fund's procedures. No FAXes or emails accepted. Fed Ex deliveries are discouraged. In any event, make sure NO signature is required. Checks/money orders must contain a legible name and non-commercial address. Enter the words "Gold Shepherd Fund" on the front of your check or money order. Your cancelled check is your receipt.

For more details on the fund and on the importance of giving go to gsmore.html

Raffle winners will be individually notified. It will be a happy task to send out the 'prizes', bringing some good out of tragedy. Thank you!

S Hobson, Ph.D.
on behalf of The Gold Shepherd Fund

Copyright by Dr. Hobson, Professor Emerita at the University I thank Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, for hosting this site. Ribbon art is courtesy of
11 December, 2001 last full update
My home page is at: home dot adelphi dot edu slash ~ hobson Email: hobson at adelphi dot edu