September 11th: Grief, Support and the Gold Shepherd Fund
16 April, 2011 last update

red-white & blue ribbon Tragic skyline: View from Midtown NYC (US News)
View from NY harbor: Southern Manhattan NY Times, Sept. 12, 2001).
In Europe, Candles in Gothenburg Sweden (BBC news).
Courage: SAR dogs (FEMA); especially this one -Preston Kehres photo of "Riley", Ground Zero
  Newer canine generation Sandy, a Golden, 2008

Remembrances: Names on the Wall, nine years later (Newsday)

The Gold Shepherd Fund: the GSF raffle is done !
Many thanks
to those of you in the dog-loving community who helped raise funds for the relief effort, in honor of service dogs everywhere.   I am especially grateful to those who entered and the special people who donating items to raffle: ...

Let's continue to give to our favorite charities as we grieve and recover. And, to those of you who lost family and friends and co-workers in September 11th tragedy, however inadequate words are, please know my heart is with you.

The center piece of the Fund's work was honoring service dogs, especially SAR canine teams at Ground Zero.

Nofication of the RAFFLE WINNERS began December 11, 2001 And we batch mailed all of the checks and money orders to the named agencies. In the interest of privacy, I've decided not to post the full names of the winners, but AH, ZM, GR, VD, BS and MB good news is on the way. Enjoy!

S Hobson, Ph.D.
on behalf of The Gold Shepherd Fund
You can reach me at hobson at adelphi dot edu

Because of time commitments, I may not be able to acknowledge each contribution individually.[Definitely not now, this Christmas time :-)) But, I am sure the charities will want to acknowledge your contributions ... {and you will have your cancelled check}

Copyright by S Hobson, author of this webpage. Permission granted to reproduce any part of this page, for personal, one time use only. The ribbon image at the top is courtesy of ribbon art (thank you)