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Robert M. Siegfried, Ph. D.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Adelphi University


This summer, I am teaching CSC 553 (Operating Systems ) online.

Below you will find the courses that I have taught here at Adelphi University:

Course Number Course Title Term Most Recently Taught
CSC 160 Computer Programming for Non-majors Fall 2015
CSC 170 Introduction to Computers and Their Applications Summer 2021
CSC 171 Introduction to Computer Programming Fall 2023
CSC 172 Introduction to Algorithms and Data StructuresSpring 2014
CSC 174 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Spring 2016
CSC 175 Intermediate Programming Spring 2024
CSC 270 Survey of Programming Languages Fall 2017
CSC 271 Software I: Utilities and Internals Fall 2017
CSC 272 Software II: Principles of Programming Languages Spring 2018
CSC 273 Data Structures Fall 2019
CSC 275 Operating Systems Practicum Fall 2022
CSC 343 Data Structures Fall 2016
CSC 344 Algorithms and Complexity Spring 2017
CSC 370 Computer Architecture and Organization Fall 2023
CSC 371 Systems I: Comp. Arch. and Org. Fall 2017
CSC 372 Systems II: Compiler Construction. Spring 2007
CSC 390 Special Topics. Spring 2015
CSC 443 Data Base Management Systems. Fall 2013
CSC 453 Operating Systems Spring 2024
CSC 480 Senior Seminar in Information Systems Spring 2011
CSC 553 Operating Systems Fall 2023
CSC 575 Accessible Computing Seminar Spring 2024
CSC 645 Compiler Construction Spring 2023
GEN 110 Computers and Society Fall 2009