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Robert M. Siegfried, Ph. D.

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Adelphi University

Spring 2025 Schedule

For those who prefer Schedule in Table format

Course Schedule

Name Course Number Days Time Location
Intermediate Computer Programming - Lecture CSC 175-001 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:00-9:50am SCB 227
Operating Systems Section 1 CSC 453-001 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 12:00-12:50pm SCB 308
Operating Systems Section 2 CSC 453-002 Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 11:00-11:50am SCB 236
Accessible Computing Seminar CSC 575 Tuesday 6:00-8:30pm NEX 155
Compiler Construction CSC 645-050 Online Asynchronous

Office Hours - 407 SCB and online BY REQUEST ONLY

Day Time
Monday 2:30-3:30pm
Tuesday 5:00-6:00pm
Wednesday 2:00-3:00pm
Friday 9:55-10:55am

University Service - I am not available at these times:

Department Meeting Monday 1:00-2:15pm
Faculty Senate Monday 3:45-5:15pm