The Original
The Sequel
The Conclusion

Dark Souls III is the final entry into the Souls series, released on March 24th, 2016.
Featuring much more fast paced combat, and a redesigned magic system, it differs heavily from the other titles, 
yet retains many of the themes present in Dark Souls I, which further divided the community on the subject of Dark Souls II.
Despite this, the game proved itself to be a worthy conclusion to a series beloved by so many.

Taking place innumerable years following the previous titles, the player character is awoken by the toiling of a bell, finding themselves buried in ash.
After proving themselves worthy by defeating the Judge Gundyr, they find themselves at a familiarly named area known as Firelink Shrine, a core area in the first game of the series.
There, they meet the Fire Keeper, who tells them that they are Unkindled, those who tried and failed to link the fire, and were instead burned to ash.
The true Lords of Cinder, those who linked the fire, refuse to do so, and thus the player character is charged with hunting them down and dragging them back to do so.
Thus, the player sets off to the land of Lothric, to hunt down the Lords of Cinder, and bring them back to their thrones.