Racket Summary:

Run either with xwindows support for putty  Or just run it on your mac or pc.

Download and install Dr. Racket from http://download.racket-lang.org/

Choose language – the racket language with #lang racket

Help on a command in Dr. Racket : click on a command and press F1 for context sensitive help.

Some helpful links:



Dr. Racket Guide


Quick introduction stepping you through. I highly recommend this for those who want a hands on tutorial that is short



Good summary of Racket syntax


Great discussion of the definition of functional programming


Helpful discussion on stack overflow about why variable mutation is not emphasized:



Why functional programming?  


Functional programming has its roots in lambda calculus, so take a look at Wikipedia lambda calculus description





Racket notes from a vassar course: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=9&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CFYQFjAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cs.vassar.edu%2F_media%2Fcourses%2Fcs101-201303%2Fintro-to-racket.pdf%3Fid%3Dcourses%253Acs101-201303%253Atop%26cache%3Dcache&ei=sJtoVLzQF_jLsAT8joKABQ&usg=AFQjCNE_MKuONXYwz0YwGdbvHpNkC8Iwlw&bvm=bv.79142246,d.cWc


·         For Dr. Bloch:  (require picturing-programs)

·         For Learn X in Y min: #lang slideshow

·         For test cases: (require test-engine/racket-tests)


·         Block comments: #| … |#

·         Single comments: ;


·         String: " "  (use \" to type a text quote)

·         number: 1, 1.3, 1/2, 1+2i, 6.003e+15, #x1A, #b10111, #o737, 8888888888888888888

o   will store a rational

·         true/false : #t for true, #f for false

·         logical: not, and, or : ex: (not #t) is false and (and 1 2)  is false

·         Suppress expansion: just one leading '  : '(function a b) will be text not a function  

·         Do not put a literal inside ()or Racket will evaluate it as a function

Variables (but purely functional will not change variable values throughout the process of a program – it will instead act as an Excel spreadsheet with a final target value)

·         definition: (define varname value) example: (define x 3)

·         use: just use the name; example: x

·         define locally inside a let expression: (let ([varname value])   expression )

o   use let * if you want to use the first set of variables to define another set

·         use a variable: just the name - do not put a variable inside () or Racket will evaluate it as a function

·         change a variable: (set! varname value) example: (set! n (add1 n))

Screen reading and writing:

·         read in a variable from the screen (read var) example : (read n)

o   if it is a number, it will be stored as a number

·         write a variable to the screen:

o   just put the variable name

o   final result of all functions write to the screen

o   literal alone will write to the screen


·         All arithmetic is a function

·         syntax: ( operator operand#1 operand#2)

·         operators: +,-,/,*,expt,quotient, remainder

o   expt : returns first parm raised to power of second parm (expt 2 3) returns 8

o   remainder: returns remainder of first parm divided by second parm (remainder 7 2) returns 1

·         special operators: exact->inexact (from rational to real), gcd, lcm, floor, truncate

o   truncate – converts to decimal and chops after the decimal point. (truncate -2.5) is -2.

o   floor – returns the largest integer that is smaller than the number (truncate -2.5) is -3.


·         returns #t or #f

·         is equal?: = for numeric identity and eq? for object identity

o   numeric eval =:  (= first second) ex: (= 3 3.0) results in #t

o   object eval eq?: (eq? first second) ex (eq? 3 3.0) results in #f

·         is not equal? : use not function after equal

o   (not (eq? "abc" "def")) results in #t

·         <, > , <=, >=,

String functions

·         (string-append first second) resulting in concatenation

·         (string-ref first index) pulling out a character from a string

·         (string-replace string oldchars newchars) replaces a portion of a string with another string (Note that this function may need (require racket/string)

·         (string->number string) returns a number representation of the string unless it cannot – in which case it returns false . (string->number "30") returns 30

·         (format " a format string with ~a as any variable type " first~ second~ third~) formats a string

·         (printf "prints out a string on the screen")


·         structure definition: (struct structname (varname1 varname2 varname3))

o   (struct student (name gpa age))

·         variable of structure type definition: (define varname (structname value1 value2 value3))

o   (define s1 (student "amy jones" 3.0 20))

·         use of entire struct variable: varname  

o   s1 (will resolve to #<student>)

·         use of one part of struct variable: (structname-varname1 varname)

o   (student-name s1) will resolve to "amy jones"

·         check type : structname? variable

o   (s1? student ) will give  #t


·         Define a pair: (cons first second) example (cons 3 4), which prints as (1 . 2)

·         Pull out the first element of a pair (car (cons 3 4))

·         Pull out the second element of a pair (cdr (cons 3 4))


·         Define a list: linked lists of pairs with one side being the list item and the other being the rest of the list, that ends in null or ()

o   (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 null)))

o   (list 1 2 3)

o   quote for the literal value

§  '(1 2 3)

o   (build-list 10 values) to get 0 to 10

o   (string-split string delim) to split a string into a list using some character marker. ex: (string-split "ab,cd,ef" ",") to get '(ab cd ef)

·         Add items to list:

o   add items to a list using cons (cons 4 '(1 2 3 ))

o   add items to a list using append (append '(1 2) '(3 4))

·         List functions

o   Do the same thing to every item in the list (map add1 '(1 2 3)) gives '(2 3 4)

o   Apply one list to another list of the same number of items (map + '(1 2 3) '(10 20 30))

o   extract only even (filter even? '(1 2 3 4)) gives '(2 4)

o   count only even (count even? '(1 2 3 4)) gives 2

o   take the first n items (take '(1 2 3 4 ) 2) gives '(1 2 )

o   drop the first n items (drop '(1 2 3 4 ) 2) gives '(3 4)

o   is it a member? (member  'dog '(cat dog rat)) gives #t

o   first member value (first '(3 4 5)) gives 3

o   get number of elements (length '(3 4 5)) gives 3


·         The first word inside parentheses is treated as a function

·         definition:

o   Using define: (define (functionName anyVar anyVar anyVar) ( definition of function))

§  (define (hello-world) "Hello World" "goodbye")

§  (hello-world) results in "goodbye"

§  (define (add3 num) (+ num 3))

§  (add3 5) results in 8

o   using lambda  

§  (lambda () "Hello")  is only a definition

§  (( lambda () "Hello")) results in "Hello"

·         note use of () to call a function

§  (lambda (num) (+ num 3))

§  ((lambda (5) (+ num 3)) ) results in 8

o   Using define and lambda – assign a lambda function to a symbol

§  (define Lhello-world ( lambda() "Hello"))

§  (Lhello-world) results in "Hello"

§  (define Ladd3 ( lambda (num) (+ num 3)))

§  (Ladd3 5) results in 8

o   definition does not cause result. When is called, the functions rules will be used.

o   Functions return the value of their last expression

o   Can have mutli-variadic functions (overloaded) but place all in one definition with case-lambda

·         Pure function – no side effects (display, input/output, variable change)

o   A call with certain inputs always returns the same outputs

o   Great for testing

Function testing

o   include knowledge of creating test cases: (require test-engine/racket-tests)

o   code tests: (check-expect  (function call) result)

o   run tests: (test)

Random number

·         (random #)

o   # is number of choices, starting at 0

o   (random 6) gives 0 to 5

o   leave # blank to get number between 0 and 1


·         if/else : (if test  true-expression false-expression)

o   (if (= 1 x) (add1 x) x) results in 2 when x is 1 and 5 when x is 5

o   if (= 1 x) (add1 x) ) is not allowed

·         cond: do something based upon a condition being met

o    (cond [ test true-do-expression ]

          [ test-remainder true-do-expression ]

          [ else else-do-expression ] )

o   (cond [ (= 1 x) (add1 x) ]

          [ (= 2 x) (+ x 4) ]

          [ else (+ x 6 ) ] )   results in 2 when x = 1; 6 when x = 2 and 13 when x = 7


Repetition through recursion

·         add from 1 to a max value

o   (define (addnum i) (cond [ ( <= i 0)  0 ] [ else ( + i  (addnum (- i 1)))]))

o   (addnum 5) gives 15

·         add a list of numbers

(define (addlist mylist2)

  (cond [ (eq? mylist2 null) 0]

        [ else ( +    (first mylist2  )  

               (addlist (drop mylist2 1)))]))

(addlist mylist)Macros

Add new commands

·         syntax: (define-syntax-rule (ruleName parm1 parm2 ..) (definition) )

·         (define-syntax-rule (swap! x y) (let ([temp x]) (set! x y) (set! y temp)))

·         (define x 3) (define y 4) (swap! x y) x y will print 4 3

Input / Output

·         A port is similar to a file descriptor in unix

·         open a port to connect to a new file: (define out-port (open-output-file "myfolder/tmp.txt"))

·         open a port to connect to an existing file in prep for appending: (define out-port (open-output-file "myfolder/tmp.txt" #:exists 'append))

·         open a port to connect to an existing file to read it: (define in-port (open-input-file "myfolder/tmp.txt"))

·         read from an open file : (displayln (read-line in-port))

·         write to the open file: (displayln "hi" out-port)

·         close the output file : (close-output-port out-port)

·         close the input file: (close-input-port in-port)



·         create it with (module moduleName itsBase) example (module cake racket/base)

·         list functions the importer can use with (provide functionName) example (provide bake-cake)

o   no indication of parameters needed

·         To import a module : (require ModuleName) example (require picturing-programs)

Pictures (must add  (require picturing-programs)

·         make filled rectangle: (rectangle length width fillMode color) ex: (rectangle 10 30 "outline" "red")  or (rectangle 10 30 "solid" "black")

·         make   circle: (circle radius fillMode color) ex: (circle 30 "solid" "yellow")

·         make picture of text: (text string font color)  ex: (text "words to become pic" 12 "black")

·         place two pictures one under the other: (above pic1 pic2) ex: (above (circle 30) (circle 50))

·         place two pictures next to each other: (beside pic1 pic2) ex: (beside  (circle 30) (circle 50))

·         place one picture on top of another: (overlay overlayPic  basePic) ex:  (overlay (circle 30 "solid" "red") (circle 50 "outline" "black"))

·         place one picture on top at a certain point (overlay/xy overlayPic x y basePic) ex: (overlay/xy (circle 30 "solid" "red")  30 10 (circle 50 "outline" "black"))

Construct for reading through a text file:

·         Create a function that handles one line from the file. Either split the line using a list created from the line ( string-split) or remove the end of line characters (string-replace) and use the entire line as a string. To use pictures, remember (require picturing-programs)

(define ( handleline line pic)

  (let* ([ mystrings (string-split line ",")]

        [ size (first mystrings) ]

        [ color (list-ref mystrings 1)]

        [ mytext (list-ref mystrings 2)])

  (above (above pic 

     ( square (string->number size) "solid" color))

                       (text mytext 12 color)

    ; (text (string-replace line "\r" "")))


·         Create a file reading function that reads a line from a file and tests whether the line is an end of file marker. If it is, print your result, otherwise, call your file reading function recursively, passing it the function that handled the line.

  (define in-port (open-input-file "c:/junk/tea.txt"))

  (define (filefunc pic)

   ( let ( [theline (read-line   in-port  )]  )

      ( cond [ (eof-object? theline ) pic]

             [ else (filefunc (handleline theline pic ))


·         Here is sample data for my example:

#| sample data in tea.txt




Much of this guide is a rework of   http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/racket/