In Class Assignments

PowerPoint Simple Presentation

Create a simple presentation on any topic you want. It needs to include the following features:

  1. Start with a blank presentation, not an auto-content one.
  2. DO NOT Choose a slide design. (Format / slide design and click on a template)
  3. The first page should be a title type with your name, your class time (i.e. 9:00) and your topic.
  4. Your presentation must contain at least 5 pages with any content you like.
  5. On at least 1 page, format the background and choose a very light color. (format / background) (You may need to check the "omit background graphics from master" box.)
  6. On at least 1 page, make a bulleted list. (format / bullets and numbering)
  7. On at least 1 page, insert at least 3 pictures. (just edit / copy and edit / paste)
  8. On at least 1 page, use a different slide layout (format / slide layout).
  9. Animate one picture to do anything you want. (slide show / custom animation / add effect)
  10. Change the transition between your slides (view / slide sorter / right click on slide transition)
  11. Make a hyperlink from any one slide to another slide. (insert / hyperlink and fill in both address and text to display)
  12. Put your name in the footer of every slide. (View header/footer and enter your name next to "footer" on both the slide and handout tabs.)
  13. Print the presentation as handouts (without color). (File / Print / "print what" = "handouts")
  14. Hand it in next class.

Click here for a tutorial movie I created to illustrate each step:

You might want to use the powerpoint tutorials that are offered on this day to help you.

midterm review hardware

Using the ad in this link: answer the following questions:

What is the amount and type of RAM supplied?

What amount of RAM can you upgrade to? - trick question

Will the monitor take a large amount of desk space?

What is the microprocessor's speed and type?

What software is included?

How much space will you have on the hard drive?

If you wanted to store even more pictures, what would you want to increase?

If you wanted the computer to run even faster using this microprocessor, what would you want to increase?

Is the monitor hardware or software?

Is the monitor an input or output device or both?

Is the microsoft office that comes with the system sofware or hardware?


Hardware Discussion Day 9/21

Must start by 9/21 and due by 9/22:

  • Computer problems discussion board entry
  • Hardware problem of the day (not graded)
  • Hardware comparison worksheet printed to bring to class on 9/23.

Optional assignments that give credit:

  • Hardware purchase contest entry (optional)
  • Submit a unique hardware question (and answer) to the "Hardware Jeopardy" Discussion Board.  (optional)


Optional - Find your pc's specifications

For one top-grade point, fill out this Word System Information Form PC's information and hand it in next class. Feel free to e-mail questions if you have any.

You can find your system information either from the control panel or from word. From Word, click help / about / and then system information.

Mandatory Shopping List
Shopping List Movie

After you look at the optional tutorials to learn all the skills below, please complete this Shopping List exercise: (You can download the instructions in word here.)

You can see the exercise done by clicking on the link "Shopping List Movie" above.

You meed the following Excel skills to do this exercise:

  • Set Heading and Footing text to appear on all pages.
  • Formatting text with bold, underline, and font size
  • Formatting cells with borders
  • Set page orientation to Landscape or Portrait
  • Total a column of numbers
  • Wrap contents of a cell
  • Autofit the rows so that the height accomodates the contents
Web Study Page

Create a New Test Study page on your website according to the instructions in this link:


WebCard Extension

Add a little more to your web site:

PC Purchase Contest
The lowest priced PC that fulfills the requirements will earn a top-grade point. (1 point added to your final grade.) You can earn points on your grade just by shopping!

To enter the contest, copy an advertisement and also the hyperlink address (at the top of the browser screen) into a word document and drop it into my drop box with the subject being exactly: the number of the contest and then the total price. To win, the price must be valid at the time the contest is judged.

For this contest, find the lowest price computer with: 

#3: microprocessor: athlon with at least 1.5 ghz speed; operating system: windows XP (home or professional is okay); RAM: 512MB; Hard disk storage: 80 GB; Microsoft Office, including word, excel and power point (If that is not an option, shop separately for office and add the price - and tell me that is what you did in your entry.)