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Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority has identified five areas of development and personal growth among our members which cultivate a well-rounded and balanced woman. These areas are known as our five S's - Scholarship, Self, Service, Sisterhood, and Social. Every active undergraduate member of DPhiE is expected to complete 21 PEARLs (or activities) each academic year. The purpose behind this is so that she can intentionally engage in activities that fulfill areas of each of the five S's. By the end of the year, each woman will complete at least four PEARL's associated with each S, in addition to a Personal Development Pearl The PDP is a long term goal that a sister will work on over the course of the year. PDP's are focused around something that a sister wants to personally improve upon in her life. Examples of this would be learning to play an instrument, learning another language, train for a marathon at the end of the year, or perform in a community theater production. The possibilities are unique for each sister to support her in becoming the woman she wants to be.
Sisters receive the support and encouragement of her chapter's Vice President of Membership Development and/or PEARL Coordinator as she works on completing her PEARL requirements.
This is a useful table we use to help you keep track of your pearlsPearl |
Activity with example |
Scholarship |
Visited Learning Center 2. 3. 4. |
Self |
Zumba Classes 2. 3. 4. |
Service |
Breast Cancer walk 2. 3. 4. |
Sisterhood |
Retreat 2. 3. 4. |
Social |
Powder Puff Foot-Ball Games with Other Organizations 2. 3. 4. |
be kept personal |