Kosher Law
The Western Wall


What is Kosher?

"Kosher" refers to a set of dietary laws set in the Old Testament that governs the selection and preparation of food. Kosher originates from the Hebrew word "kasher" meaning "proper" or "pure."" In order to be considered Kosher, a food must carry the certification of a rabbinical organization that oversees production and can attest to its purity.

Why is Kosher important?

Kosher food is important to Jewish religious practice for several reasons. Eating Kosher is an opportunity to show obedience to God and helps preserve Jewish unity and identity.


Is it Kosher?

Permitted and Forbidden Foods under Kashrut (Kosher law)


Apricot Almond Macaroons

For your Passover Celebration

A Kosher recipe

Yield: 16 cookies

2 Tablespoons matzo cake meal

3/4 cup whole blanched almonds

3/4 cup matzo cake meal

3/4 cup Paskez Kosher for Passover sugar

1/2 cup dried apricots

1 teaspoon freshly grated orange peel

1/4 teaspoon almond extract

large egg whites