Kosher Law
The Western Wall

We all know that the Western Wall, the Kotel, is the most significant site in the world for the Jewish people.  We know that it is the last remnant of our Temple.  We also know that Jews from around the world gather here to pray.  People write notes to G-d and place them between the ancient stones of the Wall.
But did you know that…
Many important events took place on Mount Moriah, know later as Temple Mount.
Mount Moriah, according to Jewish tradition, is the place where many pivotal events in Jewish history took place.  Traditionally, creation of the world began from the Foundation Stone at the peak of mountain.  This is also where Adam, the first human, was created.
When Abraham was commanded to prepare his son Isaac for sacrifice, the father and son went up to “the place that G-d chooses” – Mount Moriah, and to its peak – the Foundation Stone – where the binding of Isaac took place.
Also Jacob’s dream with angels going up and down a ladder is linked to this mountain.
Later on, the Holy of Holies – the core and heart of the First and Second Temple - was built around the Foundation Stone.
The Western Wall is part of a big renovation project initiated by King Herod.
In the year 37 BCE, Herod was appointed king in Jerusalem and he soon initiated a huge renovation project for the Temple.  He hired many workers who toiled to make the Temple more magnificent and to widen the area of the Temple Mount by flattening the mountain peak and building four support walls around it.

The Western Wall Heritage Foundation invites you to celebrate a Bar Mitzvah at the Western Wall in a moving ceremony and in the special atmosphere of unity and holiness, all free of charge.

All details await you here. Register early to guarantee yourselves an unforgettable experience for this once-in-a-lifetime event!
