About S.N.A.P.

    The club is open for all students who wish to join, not only nursing students. We welcome all and speak on various topics in our meetings. We also discuss vital topics that many nursing students need to know. We  answer any questions anybody has about the nursing program, curriculum, or classes. We try to help the students to our best abilities and we often bring up problems or concerns to the administration. We also have hospital representatives come and speak to students who may be perspective employees. This gives students the opportunities to find out about future jobs and find internships to add onto their resume.
    The club uses numerous fundraisers to help raise funds for charity and to give back to the students of Adelphi. For example, in the past we have raffled off stethescopes, and we are hoping to donate much more to the students.
    To be considered a member of SNAP you need to attend three meetings in a row. To count this club towards a recognition award a person will need to abide by the rules and attend 3 or more meetings in a row. CSI does check the attendance sheets when you hand in your paperwork!

About SNAP
Our Board Members
When We Meet
Our Activities
School of Nursing Tips & Pointers
Nursing FAQs
Useful Links