
Rock Band dB

Rock Band db was my senior project at Adelphi University. The project is a windows 8 app that would've been submitted to the windows store. The main features of the project included
  • The latest news! - Rock Band dB will automatically pull in the latest news from popular sites such as RockBandAide.com
  • Get quick information about songs! Rock Band dB contains an automatically updating database of all the songs currently in the rock band library. Find out the difficulties of the tracks, whether they have pro guitar, and if you'd like purchase the song straight from the app.
  • Rock Band dB will also search your music library and tell you what songs you currently own that are already in the game!
  • Live tile support also guarantees that you'll be the first the hear about the latest Rock Band News
The source code of this is available upon request, as i plan on using this to publish a different app.
If you'd like to see the full images please feel free to click on them

picture 1 picture 2 picture 3 "picture 4