
Other Projects

Below you can see a bunch of other miscellaneous projects that I have worked on.


Graphics Project

This project was performed during my computer graphics and image processing class at Adelphi University. This project did a couple of cool things. First it implemented specular, ambient, and diffuse lighting. It also was able to allow the user to move the light, as well as modify the color of all the three different types of lighting. This was made primarily using OpenGL 3.1.

If you would like to look at the project or the code itself it is also available for download .
Networking arcade

Network Arcade

This project was worked on during my time in Adelphi's Computer Networking course. The project was written entirely in java and was supposed to be simulate an arcade. The users could pick what game they would like to play and from there they could be paired up with another user who was looking to play that type of game as well.
This project was cool in that once the netcode framework was set up, adding additional games was extremely quick and painless.

If you would like to look at the code it is also available for download .

Whack A Square

Whack A Square was a project that i was doing on the side to understand how windows phone 7 and windows phone 8 would work. After some time i decided that i would be more fun on a bigger screen, so i moved the project over to a windows 8 app. This uses the Monogame framework so that i could bring over alot of the xna things from windows phone 7 into windows 8.
The main goal of whack a square is to simply hit the squares. The game is multiplier based so everytime you miss a square, your multiplier is reset. This encourages players to play fast and precise. Furthermore this was my first project where i created particle effects, which are just awesome to look at.
Whack a square is now available on the windows store! download whack a square link

--C Programming Language

The --C Programming language is a programming language that was designed to address some problems that most entry level college students struggle with when beginning to program.
One of the problems with most beginner languages is that they are either one of two things,
  1. A language like java or C++ that isn't very beginner friendly.
  2. A language like python which is beginner friendly, but doesn't have an easy transition to more object oriented languages like C++ or Java
The goal of --C is to strip away things that would complicate beginners, but still keep it in a Java/ C++ environment. This way the transition to languages would be much less complicated. We based the language largely off of C as we believed that classes should be taught in a CS2 course. From there we implemented some changes
  • Removing the equal sign from the language. Assignment would use := and we would still use == for comparisons. This way there would be no accidental assignments in any loops or conditional statements
  • Minor changes to primitive types. We would essentially have three types: Boolean, number and text. This would allow students to very quickly be able to handle primitive types, instead of worrying about what a float, double, int, char, etc are.
  • Making the for loop a little friendlier. We modified the for loop to essentially be a readable for loop. This means that our for loop structure would look something like. for(i := 0 to lengthof(x) by 2). The loop is still split up into the three seperate areas (initialization, comparision, post loop), but we now have it being a little more readable.
If you'd like to see some sample code from this language feel free to check these files out.

Adelphi University Nursing Game

This project was done during my GUI class at adelphi. The main goal of this project was to help nursing students practice real life scenarios, in a much safer environment. The other goal of this project was to allow professors to very rapidly create those scenarios and allow them to create very complex scenarios in a very quick amount of time. Since this is still a work in progress there is no code available for download, but if you would like to take a look at it feel free to contact me for the code.
Racing in ASCII

ridiculous rhythm rASCIIng

ridiculous rhythm rASCIIng was my first major game that i ever worked on. It was also the biggest team based project, as it was done with 4 people and worked on over the course of two semesters.
The game was a text-based, rhythm racing game that had you racing against other ai racers, with the user matching inputs in a Dance Dance Revolution style. If you'd like to try the game please feel free to by clicking here