Professional Portfolio
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Public Relations Brochure
This link takes you to a brochure I made while working towards my major of a physical education teacher at Adelphi University. It includes my mission statement, grading policy, and a short biography. The curriculum and school and physical education events are hypothetical.


This link takes you to a homework assignment I made while working towards my major of a physical education teacher at Adelphi University.  It is focused on drugs and alcohol and how they effect human performance in the long term and short term.

Excel Chart
This link takes you to a graph produced by Microsoft Excel expressing average heart rate in beats per minute for low, medium, and high intensity levels of activity.  The values were taken at rest and then after 2 minutes of activity and after 10 minutes of activity.

This link takes you  to a powerpoint made as a group effort while working towards my major of a physical education teacher at Adelphi University.  The assignment was about technology in physical education and the equipment it focuses on is the Nintendo Wii and its  advantages.  The two other students that worked on this piece with me were Stephen Smar and Robert Cincotta.

Nutrition Analysis

This link take you to  a Microsoft Word document which breaks down my food consumption and physical activity on a typical weekday and weekend day. It analyzes the nutrition facts of the particular foods I consumed on each day.

Polar Heart Monitor Assignment
A Polar Heart Monitor is equipment consisting of two parts; a watch and a body band.  The watch must be on your wrist and the body band fastened tightly around your chest at the same time in order to work properly.  This technology records your heart rate and can be used in physical education, athletic training, or personal fitness. In class, I worked with the Polar Heart Monitor with two other students- Jake Potters and Robert Cincotta, as we tested our own hearts' response to different levels of activity.
 These links take you to our results for high and low levels of activity.
High Activity Work
Low Activity Work

Fitness Gram Programs
This is a program that can be used in schools by teachers and students.  It allows students to set personal physical goals and evaluate their process  along the way. The Activity Log Report is the students personal goals for activities in either minutes or steps.  Each day the student will be able to set a different number and check to see if they reached their goal.  The Fitness Gram is an assessment of the student's physical standings based upon personal information like the timed mile, height, weight, age, flexibility, and more.  It gives back an evaluation form that shows where the students stands- either in 'Needs Improvement' or 'Healthy Fitness Zone'; and gives helpful feedback on how and what needs to be improved.  This program is a helpful and positive way to promote personal fitness because it allows students to focus on certain goals and set a pace for themselves.
Activity Log Report
Activity Gram
Fitness Gram

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This page was designed and published by Caitlin Bernstein and is solely responsible for its contents.
~ Last Updated: December 4, 2007