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Gymnastics (Tumbling)
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My Personal Philosophy

Philosophy Page
            My goal as a physical education teacher is to help students learn more than to stay active so a big part of this class is speaking up and getting further involved in the community inside and outside of school. To encourage this, the major activities I plan on teaching will have after school tournaments to bring physical education further than school hours. I believe from physical education one can make friends, gain confidence, and build trust with the people around them.
            I have high expectations for my future physical education classes.  I expect safety to be exhibited when using any of the equipment; whether it is a gymnastics apparatus, paddles, or a soccer ball.  I also believe safety is very important when you are actually playing a game with other students, not just on the sidelines.
            Since not every student likes to get involved in physical activities, especially if they are self-conscious around their peers, while in my classes I would stress respect yourself and others.  Also, you should be supportive and helpful to each other because peer teaching, if done correctly, is as good as a teacher teaching.
I will not tolerate fighting in the gymnasium.  If there is a problem the teacher, dean or principal should deal with it the best way possible.  Since punishment will only hinder a student’s ability to succeed in fitness or physical activity, bad behavior will be dealt with using negative reinforcement and good behavior will be condoned using positive reinforcement.
            The grading scale will be based upon the basic rules and concepts
of each game played in class and how well a student can demonstrate them (remember they do not have to be the best at it, not everyone is an athlete). Effort is a big part of a students grade because you can never really experience something until you try your best at it. How well you try to engage yourself in the activities is based on observation.  The proper clothing and sneakers should be worn and unexcused absences will not be tolerated.  There is no need to miss a class that consisting games.
I would like to stress that excitement while engaged in games is excellent and admirable, but remaining calm while playing brings about a stress-free and enhanced learning situation for yourself, myself, and others. Remember, we all learn from each other; that includes each others words and actions.