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Gymnastics (Tumbling)
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My Personal Philosophy

Tumbling Lesson Pan

- partner tag: one person spins 3 times while the other person walks away, person one walks to tag person two, once tagged partners switch positions
- locomotor moves: walk, jog, and slide, around the gym

Warm Up (hold stretches for 30 seconds)
- stretch necks: Up, Down, Left, Right
- shoulder shrugs: Up, Down, Front, Back
- rotate shoulders: Forward and back circles
- Oblique: one arm up and over to the opposite side and then switch sides
- Forward stretch: flat back
- standing layout, exhale, touch toes
- sitting: Butterfly stretch (hold ankles, lean forward, chin tucked)
              Pike stretch (head between arms, touch toes
              Straddle stretch (right, left, and center) (head down, tuck chin, lock knees)
- shake legs out

Sitting: layout to tuck (spaghetti and meatball), 10 times, exhale and come up

Balance Series: (remember to maintain triangle with hands and head)
      Tip up- in squat, hands flat on the mat, open knees, feet together, hands directly underneath shoulders, stabilize body on inside of                    knees, balance on elbows, weight goes over onto hands/shoulders, lift feet off the ground, point toes, hold for 3 seconds
      Tripod- continuing leaning over and place the crown of your head on the mat, legs come up bent and balanced on elbows, knees                        come together, point toes
      Headstand- knees come to a tuck, slowly raise them straight into the air, knees together, toes together
      Handstand- tuck knees into chest, explode!, legs shoot up and straighten arms, knees and elbows locked, knees together, point                                toes
       Step down one leg at a time- not over your head
       Variations- pike up or straddle up
Log Roll- maintain layout position on mat

Barrel Roll- go to end of mat, maintain table position, scoop right arm under left shoulder, roll onto your back, return to table position, repeat by scooping left arm under right shoulder
Egg Roll- sit in pretzel, hold ankles with arms under knees, lean right shoulder on mat, roll onto back and then sit up, should be a 180 degrees position change, repeat to make a full circle around (360 degrees)