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Facts about Sydney Australia

This page reveals some interesting facts about Sydney Australia.

This includes statistics on Sydney's population, characteristics of the land area and information about Sydney's landmarks and human settlement.

Also I provide links to pages about Sydney's weather and time, history, culture and information about the Australian currency.

Demographic Facts about Sydney Australia

Sydney is the biggest and most populous city in Australia. With 4.5 million people being accounted for in the 2009 census, Sydney holds just under 20% of the total population of Australia.[1]

It is the most populated city in the Oceania region, and the 73rd most populous city worldwide.[2]

Sydney's inhabitants are very diverse. Most people have ancestry originating from beyond Australian borders.

Countries that have contributed to Sydney's multicultural population include (shown as percentage of Sydney's total population),[3] Indigenous Australians account for 2% of Sydney’s population.

Sydney's Land and Government Areas

Sydney covers a large area of rural and urban regions.

Sydney's urban region is broken up into thirty eight municipalities or local government areas. The land area is approximately equal to 1687 km2.[5][6]

The rural regions surrounding the city are governed by five shires; City of Blue Mountains, City of Gosford, City of Hawkesbury, Wollondilly Shire and Wyong Shire.[7]

The total land area of both the rural and urban regions of Sydney is equal to approximately 12000 km2.[8]

The size of the suburb City of Sydney is 25 km2. The City of Sydney includes the Central Business District (CBD) and the inner suburbs that surround the CBD.[9]

Landmarks Facts about Sydney Australia

The local nickname for the Sydney Harbour Bridge is the 'Coat Hanger'.

The Bridge opened in 1932 and is still the largest steel arch bridge in the world measuring 1,149 metres in length and 134 metres from sea level to the top of the arch.[10]

Sydney Harbour is a part of the Port Jackson waterway.

Port Jackson flows into the Tasman Sea through North Head and South Head. The Port contains Sydney Harbour, Middle Harbour and North Harbour. The total length of the Port Jackson is 19 km while the total area is 55 km2.[11]

Sydney Airport is the busiest Australian airport handling over 29.1 million passengers a year. An average of 77000 passengers pass through the three Sydney Airport terminals each day.[12]

Sydney's tallest building is Sydney Tower rising 309 metres. The second tallest is Chifley Tower which stands 244 metres tall.[13]

Human Settlement in the Sydney Region

Aboriginal Settlement
Scientists using radio carbon dating have found evidence of Indigenous Australian presence in the Sydney region for at least 30,000 years.[14]

The traditional land owners of Sydney are the Eora people. They were the first Indigenous Australians to encounter European explorers and settlers on the east coast of Australia.
European Settlement
The Sydney region was first discovered by Captain James Cook in 1770, during his first voyage into the Pacific region.

Sydney was established as a British colony in 1788 when the First Fleet sailed into Port Jackson and anchored in Farm Cove.

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Reference: http://www.inside-sydney-australia.com/factsaboutsydneyaustralia.html