
Parsons Dance

The Parsons Dance Company offers a summer intensive to aspiring professional dancers. It is a three week program that includes Parsons Dance repertory and technique, ballet, professional developmental seminars, an actual audition for David Parsons, and a finale performance. There is also a fourth week which is a master choreography workshop. It allows students to take part in the developmental process for David Parsons' next choreographic work.

The three weeks I spent during the Parsons Dance Intensive was the best time of my life. The amount I learned from all of the company members and David Parsons was incredible. They not only enhanced my knowledge of dance, but they opened the performance door for me. The most influential thing I learned while at Parsons was that in order to get to where I strive to be, I must perform every day as if I am on stage. That will set me apart from other dancers auditioning for the same job. All in all, I gained so much at this intensive and plan on returning this coming summer as well.

If you think you would like something like this, or known someone who would, see for yourself!
Parsons Dance


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