S e t t i n g
Setting is all about WHERE and WHEN your story takes
place. It is used to understand an experience.
Setting controls the type of people living there
Something important to remember: Setting +
Character(s) = Plot
It EVOKES something
Setting is created using description, but beware, don’t
over describe! Establish what is important, if a character feels one
way, the setting should reflect it and evoke those feelings
An idea to consider: the setting can also be the
antagonist (think man versus nature stories)
Always remember: nothing is random. As my
professor said, if there’s a gun on the table in the beginning, someone
is going to get shot by the end
1. Describe a character through his/her surroundings.
Example: a
bedroom says a lot about a person (think wall color, any posters,
floor, bedding, decorations, etc.)
2. Go online and find a picture of a landscape or
cityscape and
describe it. Example: settings convey feelings. If your picture is of a
mountain, try to convey the feeling of coldness.