family tree                                           The Family

Ole Friends
Ole School


When I go Trini I stay with my Mummy, Granny, Uncle, and my doggies: Princess, Gucci, and Velvet!! Also my Aunty, Uncle and Cousins are right across the street from me.

Basically it's all the fam on Mummy's side.

mummy granny and uncle athelstan princess gucci velvet aunty cheryl uncle wayne chantal soleil Chad and I
Mummy (Carol) Granny and Uncle Athelstan Princess Gucci Velvet
Aunty Cheryl Uncle Wayne Chantal (Cousin) Soleil (Second Cousin) Chad (Cousin) lives in England though.... =(


When I'm present in the States I  reside with my father. But we're always visiting the many other members of his family. Most of them live in one apartment that we like to call Hotel Rogers. LMAO!! At Hotel Rogers there are four aunties and two cousins.

daddy aunt my and aunty ann aunty andrea and aunty ann aunty genny and aidoo kosi and jelisa ashaki
Daddy (Steve) Aunty Myron and  Aunty Ann
Aunty Andrea and Aunty Ann Aunty Genny and her son Nksoi and Jelisa (Cousins) Ashaki

 all the brothers and sisters ----> Click for bigger picture of all the brothers and sisters, on daddy's side

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