
I attend Adelphi University. Its a small campus full of
greenery, located in Garden City Long Island; it reminds me of Trini =)
For Adelphi Home Page. Click Here
Expectations and First
I first found out about Adelphi I was reading an ad on the train in the
subway, that day I was scouting for colleges. I looked up the website
and decided that it seemed to be a decent school and it had the
subjects that I wanted to do. Also it didn't seem like that much
tuition and fees compared to the other schools that I had in mind. When
I first visited the school I must say that I was impressed. The campus
was BEAUTIFUL!! My eyes lit up, I didn't expect it to look so good. No
fake grass, no set of noise; I rejoiced quietly on the inside, the only
thing that gave away my glee was the big grin on my face.
The only thing though is that Financial Aid Office is a pain but I
guess that would be the same everywhere seeing that everyone has
discrepancies with Financial Aid. On the other hand the people that
deal with us are kind and warm, and I guess that kind of portrays the
attitude of all the people that attend the school because they all seem
so friendly!
New Friends
the names for pics =)
first friend I remember making was MILO!! I
met him at Freshman Orientation and we just happened to be doming in
the same hall during the orientation. Since then we've become good
friends. We still hang out occasionally and stuff.
The next person I met was BREA!!!! I met her on
the train... my first commuter buddy. We takes d train together almost
everyday =D. I'm never lonely. Shes also my first Bestie up here!! We
go out a lot; we do a lot together actually!
Then there's that guy that you just happen to sort of like, LMAO! Yea I
gots one of those... and he just happens to be really good and track
and stuff. Oh yea his name is MYCHAEL! Lol! We
cool, we real good friends too, we always partying in school together.
And we got so close because I saw him EVERY DAY 1st semester, jeez! But
its all good because that is what caused us to become so close..
Then I have the commuter buddies: RAKIYA, UJIN, RICARDO, ORNELLA, STEPH and a
whole bunch of others!!! We hang out bout everyday, except when its
exam times. And we basically run the Commuter Lounge, 'cause we always
making real noise and don't really care 'bout anyone else. That's not
nice. LOL! Whatever!
SHAKYMA! This is my
Virgin Islands darling. I think I first met her at a school party, at
first I thought she was Jamaican, but I was quickly corrected. She my
real good girl too. I always love liming with her and sharing stories.
Unfortunately I don't see her as much and I can't text her because the
girl refuses to get a phone form up here. But its okay, I still steal a
little text every now and again.
But my Jamaican honey is ZOYA!
I can't remember for dear life when I met her, but all I do know for
sure is that I know her! We used to hang out like all the time, but
then she left! But it's okay though, I see her every once in a while
and well obviously at the parties at school. Love this girl too bad. =)
OH and PATTY. Yes,
that's my little munch kin, and when I say little I mean little. Lol! I
met her during orientation like Milo. We were watching Candy Man: real
good movie! =)
Oh yes I can't forget the ones that don't attend my school, but i did
meet them on the train... ANJANETTE
and KADEEM. Anjanette goes Hofstra...
almost went there.. lol; and Kadeem is going Nassau Community College.
am always harassing Kadeem and he is always damaging me. Hehe. And well
Anjanette and I are always making Brea's travel a whole lot of
exciting. LOL! She loves it!! =D
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