CSC 443 Data Base Management Systems

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment 7 - Basic Queries of a Database

Due Monday, November 4, 2013

Using the database created in Assignment #6, perform the following queries in MySQL on Panther:

  1. List the complete records for all employees earning $35,000 or more per year.
  2. List just the first name, middle initial and last name for employees earning $35,000 or more per year.
  3. List the first and last names and social security numbers for everyone working for the supervisor with social security number 333-44-5555.
  4. List the names of the departments with locations in Houston.
  5. List the first and last names of the employees working on Product Y.
  6. List the names of Franklin Wong's dependents and their relation to him.
  7. [Back to the Assignment Page]