CSC 443 Data Base Management Systems

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment 6 - Creating the Database in Lecture #6

Due Monday, October 14, 2013

In lecture #6, we learned how to write SQL (Structure Query Language) in order to create a database structure and then to populate it (add its initial data to it).

Create your own copy of the database and then use a SELECT to display it on the screen and then print it out.

Database Table Structures


Field Name Data Type Constraint Key
fname varchar(15) not null,
Minit char
Lname varchar(15) not null
ssn char(9) not null Primary
Bdate date
Address varchar(30)
Sex char,
Salary decimal(10,2)
Super_ssn char(9) Foreign (Ssn in Employee)
Dno int not null Foreign (Dnumber in Department)


Field Name Data Type Constraint Key
Dname varchar(15) not null, unique
Dnumber int not null Primary
Mgr_ssn char(9) not null Foreign (Ssn in Employee)
Mgr_start_date date


Field Name Data Type Constraint Key
Dnumber int not null primary,
foreign (Dnumber in Department)
Dlocation varchar(15) not null primary


Field Name Data Type Constraint Key
Pname varchar(15) not null, unique
Pnumber int not null Primary
Plocation varchar(15),
Dnum int not null Foreign (Dnumber in Department)


Field Name Data Type Constraint Key
Essn char(9) not null Primary, Foreign (Ssn in Employee)
Pno int not null Primary, Foreign (Pnumber in Project)
Hours decimal(3,1) not null


Field Name Data Type Constraint Key
Essn char(9) not null Primary
Dependent_name varchar(15) not null Primary
Sex char
Bdate date
Relationship varchar(8)

The Tables' Data


Fname Minit Lname Ssn Bdate Address Sex Salary Super_ssn Dno
John B Smith 123456789 1965-01-09 731 Fondren, Houston, TX M 30000.00 333445555 5
Franklin T Wong 333445555 1955-12-08 638 Voss, Houston, TX M 40000.00 888665555 5
Joyce A English 453453453 1972-07-31 5631 Rice, Houston, TX F 25000.00 333445555 5
Ramesh K Naranyan 666884444 1962-09-20 975 Fire Oak, Humble, TX M 38000.00 333445555 5
James E Borg 888665555 1937-11-10 450 Stone, Houston, TX M 55000.00 NULL 1
Jennifer S Wallace 987654321 1941-06-20 291 Berry, Bellaire, TX F 43000.00 888665555 4
Ahmad V Jabbar 987987987 1969-03-29 980 Dallas, Houston, TX M 25000.00 987654321 4
Alicia J Zelaya 999887777 1968-01-19 3321 Castle, Spring, TX F 25000.00 987654321 4


Dname Dnumber Mgr_ssn Mgr_start_date
Headquarters 1 888665555 1981-06-19
Administration 4 987654321 1995-01-01
Research 5 333445555 1988-05-22


Dnumber Dlocation
1 Houston
4 Stafford
5 Bellaire
5 Houston
5 Sugarland


Pname Pnumber Plocation Dnum
ProductX 1 Bellaire 5
ProductY 2 Sugarland 5
ProductZ 3 Houston 5
Computerization 10 Stafford 4
Reorganization 20 Houston 1
Newbenefits 30 Stafford 4


Essn Dependent_name Sex Bdate Relationship
123456789 Alice F 1988-12-30 Daughter
123456789 Elizabeth F 1967-05-05 Spouse
123456789 John M 2000-01-01 Son
123456789 Michael M 1988-01-04 Son
333445555 Alice F 1986-04-05 Daughter
333445555 Joyt F 1958-05-03 Spouse
333445555 Theodore M 1983-10-25 Son
987654321 Abner M 1942-02-28 Spouse


Essn Pno Hours
123456789 1 32.5
123456789 2 7.5
333445555 2 10.0
333445555 3 10.0
333445555 10 10.0
333445555 20 10.0
453453453 1 20.0
453453453 2 20.0
666884444 3 40.0
888665555 20 0.0
987654321 20 15.0
987654321 30 20.0
987987987 10 35.0
987987987 30 5.0
999887777 10 10.0
999887777 30 30.0

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