CSC 443 Data Base Management Systems

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment 10 - The database specified on p. 108 and p. 172-3/6.7-6.18, 6.22, 6.23

Due Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Using the database table structure that we have already seen in Assignment #9, create the database tables in MySQL using the organization shown in Assignment #9, and be prepared to justify the datatype choices that you have made as well as the constraints that you have chosen.

Afterward, populate the tables with the data below and write and run the MySQL queries in the exercises:

6.7 List full details of all hotels.
6.8 List full details of all hotels in London.
6.9 List the names and address of all guests living in London.
6.10 List all double rooms or suites with a price between £40.00 per night, in ascending order of price.
6.11 List the bookings for which no dateTo has been specified.
6.12 How many hotels are there?
6.13 What is the average price of a room?
6.14 What is the total revenue per night from all double rooms?
6.15 How many different guests have made booking for August?
6.16 List the price and type of all rooms at the Grosvenor Hotel.
6.17 List all guests currently staying (on November 1, 2013) at the Grosvenor Hotel.
6.18 List the detail of all rooms at the Grosvenor Hotel, including the name of the guest staying in the room, if the room is occupied.
6.22 List the number of rooms in each hotel.
6.23 List the number of rooms in each hotel in London.

The Database

hotelNo hotelName city
101 Grosvenor London
102 Swallow London
201 Waldorf Astoria New York
202 Plaza New York
401 Sofitel Minneapolis

roomNo hotelNo Type Price
201 101 Single 30
202 101 Double 40
203 101 Single 30
204 101 Double 40
205 101 Double 40
206 101 Suite 100
201 102 Single 25
202 102 Double 30
203 102 Single 25
204 102 Double 30
205 102 Double 30
206 102 Suite 80
201 201 Single 80
202 201 Double 100
203 201 Single 80
204 201 Double 100
205 201 Double 100
206 201 Suite 300

guestNo guestName guestAddress
40 John Smith 10 E 42 St, New York, NY
41 Mary Jones 110 Elm St, Garden City, NY
52 Thomas Smith 40-40 172 St, Flushing, NY
53 Joseph Schmo 1052 E 85 St, Brooklyn, NY
60 Ima Sample 3010 Broadway, New York, NY
61 Shesa Sample 2510 Utica Ave, Minneapolis, MN
62 George Seaver 41 Arschloch Rd, Grenewich, CT
63 Jerome Koosman 54 Morris Ave, Stillwater, MN

hotelNo guestNo dateFrom dateTo roomNo
101 40 10/12/13 10/14/13 201
101 52 10/12/13 10/13/13 204
101 63 10/24/13 10/27/13 206
201 40 10/24/13 10/26/13 205
201 40 10/31/13 11/2/13 203
201 52 10/28/13 10/31/13 201

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