CSC 443 Data Base Management Systems

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment 9 - The database specified on p. 108 and p. 130/5.12

Due Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The database specified on p. 108

The following tables form part of a database in a relation DBMS:

Exercise 5.12

Generate the relational algebra for the following queries:

  1. List all hotels.
  2. List all single rooms with a price below £20 per night.
  3. List the names and cities of all guests.
  4. List the price and type of all room at the Grosvenor Hotel.
  5. List all guests currently staying at the Grosvenor Hotel.
  6. List the details of all rooms at the Grosvenor Hotel, including the name of the guest staying in the room, if the room is occupied.
  7. List the guest details (guestNo, guestName and guestAddress) of all guests staying at the Grosvenor Hotel.

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