CSC 370 - Computer Architecture and Organization

Dr. R. M. Siegfried

Assignment #8 - p. 119-120(handout)/4-1, 4-3, 4-6, 4-16

Due Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Show the block diagram of the hardware (similar to Fig. 4-2a) that implements the following register transfer statement:

yT2: R2 ← R1, R1 ← R2


Represent the following conditional control statement by two register transfer statements with control functions

If (P = 1) then (R1 ← R2) else if (Q = 1) then R1 ← R3)


A digital computer has a common bus system for 16 registers of 32 bits each.

  1. How many selection inputs are there in each multiplexer?
  2. What size of multiplexers are needed?
  3. How many multiplexers are there in the bus?


Derive a combinational circuit that selects and generates any of the 16 logic functions listed in Slide 36 of Lecture #9

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