Overview of the Show
Best Scenes

Overview of the Show

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is an American police comedy television series created by Dan Goor and Michael Schur. The series revolves around Jake Peralta, a talented yet immature NYPD detective in Brooklyn's 99th Precinct. Jake often finds himself in conflict with the new serious and stern commanding officer, Captain Raymond Holt. The other members of the team include, Detective Amy Santiago, an over achiever; Detective Rosa Diaz, tough and scary; Detective Charles Boyle, Jake's best friend; Detective Sergeant Terry Jeffords, a family man; and Gina Linetti, the lax precinct administrator.
The series is best known for their opening scenes of each episode as they usually have no connection to the rest of the episode but grabs the audiences attention with its abrupt silliness and humor.

The series has received a large number of positive reviews over the years. It has been praised for talking about important and relevant social topics but still keeping the humor. It has won two Creative Arts Emmy Awards and a Golden Globe Award for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy. Several actors have won awards for their individual work on the show as well.
After season five, the series moved from Fox to NBC.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine premiered on September 17, 2013. It is currently on seventh season, which premiered on February 6, 2020. The series was renewed for an eighth season in November 2019, before the seventh season premiered. The full series,up to date, is currently available on streaming sites such as Hulu.

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