C Programming and Prolog Test Summary
Imperative Procedural Language
· Comparison C to Java:
Program file structure
#include <> or
Main function
int, float, char
unsigned keyword
No String type: String defined as char array : char name[26] or char * name - see later notes
For bool, include stdbool.h
#define name value
const type name = value
Get address of variable with &
Cast with (type) var
Read from screen and print to screen
Scanf (control string, variable addresses)
Printf(string, variables to insert)
Format strings %2f, %d, %s
#include <stdio.h>
If / else if / else
counter must be created before loop starts)
Do while
Create a function
<return type> <function name> (<type> <var> )
Call a function (can call it recursively)
<function name> (<var> )
Use math functions - #include "math.h"; call without Math.
Pass by reference
Argument accepts address: *<var name>
Caller sends address: &<var name>
Variable life
Local vs global
Seed with srand(time(NULL)); means you need to #include <time.h>
rand() % choices and maybe add 1 - ex: rand() % 9 gives 0-8.
Define an array single or multi subscript
Access an array element
Pass an array as a function by reference
Get an array size
Special character array
Static keyword for array
Pointer and Dynamic Array Summary:
· General:
o A pointer variable holds an address.
o A pointer variable that points to a pointer variable holds an address that in turn points to an address.
o A Multi-dimensional array variable is a pointer to a pointer, because each row is referred to by a pointer.
o Print addresses with %p format character.
· Declare a pointer:
o Read backwards: double * p means: p is a pointer to a double
o Not dynamic: point to a variable that was created with a normal <type> <variable name> declaration
§ double x
§ double * p = &x
o Dynamic:
§ Create a pointer with a null value, and then assign a block of memory using malloc in the heap and then store the starting address in your pointer:
· double * p1;
· p1 = (double *) malloc(sizeof(int));
o (note cast of void pointer malloc returns to the type of pointer you want.)
o If malloc returns NULL, no memory was assigned. - You must check
§ When you are done using memory you grabbed with malloc, you must free it.
· free(p1);
§ Set pointer to NULL when it point to nothing: p2 = NULL;
· Use a pointer:
o Use the address: Just the variable name : ptr
o Set pointers to either the value of another pointer (such as an array) or the address of another variable (any type, even a pointer).
o Use the value at the address: deference the pointer : *ptr
o Get the address of another variable: &varname
o Remember that the array variable is a pointer, and the cells inside the array are not (unless you declare an array of pointers).
o You cannot dereference a value variable : cannot int x and then *x = 6
o Know whether you are dealing with a pointer or a value variable, and be able to set address or value as appropriate for the problem you are solving
§ Ex: scanf does not need the & for a pointer
§ Ex: printf does need a * for a pointer when not using %p so the pointed at value can print
· Pass to functions:
o Passing a pointer is called passing by reference
o Nothing in C passes by reference without you insisting that a pointer be passed (except you can say arrays naturally pass by pointer because arrays are pointers).
· Pointers and arrays
o An array variable is a pointer, but it also knows the full size of the array
o Making a pointer to an array (such as when you pass an argument to a function) only knows the size of the pointer and the address of the first element of the array.
o Pointers to arrays can use pointer arithmetic, moving through elements by adding 1.
o A dynamic array is created by using malloc to allocate the memory for the array, and then putting the address malloc returns into a pointer.
o For multidimensional dynamic arrays, malloc the memory for the array of pointer to each row, and then malloc each row. Remember to free all that you create.
Malloc many
characters: int *ptr = malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);
o Malloc is part of stdlib.h
· Like creating a variable type name, but really just substitute words
o Ex:
§ In heading of program: typdef int * IntPtr
§ Later use: IntPtr x
§ Means: int * x
String Handling
String is an Array ending in NULL - \0
string.h and stdlib.h; - string functions
ctype.h; - character functions
Initialize using array or pointer notation:
char *s = "abc";
· char yourString[11] = "Do Be Do";
· char myString[] = "Do Be Do";
Copying strings:
· char s[20] -- means you created an array and allocated space for 19 char + 1 NULL
§ then Not: s = Hello later
§ Instead, strcpy or strncpy or sprintf
· char * s -- means you created a pointer that can be pointed to a char array - no space!
later s
= Hello
Before anything other attempt to point to a
string, either malloc or point to a char array.
(char * ) (malloc(sizeof(char) * 30));
Comparing strings:
Not s1 == s2
· Instead strcmp or strncmp ; 0 = equal;
· strlen up to first null
· printf: remember %s prints the string up to the null; watch nulls inside strings or missing null at end of string
Extract parts from string: sscanf
sscanf(pointer to a string, format string in double quotes, one variable address for each % in the format string);
ex: sscanf(mystr, "%d-%d",&x,&y) MEANS: if mystr contains 1-2 this sscanf will put 1 into x and 2 into y
Create a string using
: sprintf
sprintf (pointer to a string, format string in double quotes, one variable for each % in the format string);
ex: sprintf(mystr, "%d-%d"x,y) MEANS: if x = 1 and y = 2, this sprintf will put "1-2" into mystr
Convert string to number:
· atoi returns an integer stopping at the first non digit
· strtod, strtol,strtoul send both a pointer to the string and a pointer to a pointer to a string. It returns a pointer to the unconverted portion of first string.
Command line arguments: character array, with 0 as program path
Read String from Standard Input:
· getchar: get characters one at a time until equal EOF integer (waits for Enter)
· fgets: read one string from input, up to newline character, appending NULL
· scanf: remember %19s to not get to limit input, and you place the NULL
· scanf_s: safer, pass the length
Write string to Output:
· putchar to put a single character and
· puts to print one unformatted string
formatted output
What is a structure:
· Data type you create with parts
· Can contain an array / Can be contained by an array
· Passes by value unless explicitly by pointer
Defining a struct:
struct workerstuff { int
rate, hours, gross;} ;
Use Typedef
o just the tag: typedef struct workerstuff Worker;
o the entire structure typedef struct { int rate, hours, gross;} Worker ;
single struct variable
o option 1 with combined def
: struct workerstuff { int
rate, hours, gross;} worker;
o option 2 referencing earlier definition: struct workerstuff worker;
o If typedef used: Worker worker;
Array of
a structure
o struct workerstuff workerArr[];
to a structure
o struct workerstuff * workerPtr;
Access variable:
single struct variable dot :
Array of
a structure - Access via dot and subscript:
to a structure - Access via arrow : workerPtr->rate or (*workerPtr).rate
PROLOG: for the C Programming Test
Declarative Logic Programming
Facts: made of functors
and arguments in the form of functor(argument 1 ,argument 2 ,argument 3).
ex: loves(Vincent,mia).
Rule: a rule consisting of a head and body,
separated by :- . When the body is true, the rule is
true. (When working with variables in your query, the unification that causes the
body to be true means that the head is true.)
ex: jealous(X,Y):-
loves(X,Z), loves (Y,Z).
an OR rule: make two independent rules
and AND rule: make one rule, and put a comma between
the two facts that must be true.
Variable: any uppercase Atom
fills the variable values.
Query: A statement that asks which values would
make the statement true.
a query inside the prolog session.
o Load the rules and facts from the prolog fact
and table file. ex: [pl1].
o Type your query
§ Syntax: functor
(arguments). ex: isHorizontal(Ax,Ay,Bx,By). or woman(mia).
o See true or false answer along with the value
of any variables in your query
o Type semi-colon after a valid answer to get
another true answer or be told no more true answers.
to solve a query:
o Unifies by matching functor(arguments..) to facts and rule headers. Matching to a rule
header requires matching the rule body entirely.
o Unifying a variable (uppercase start) to a
fact or rule causes instantiation of the variable.
o Unifying a query with only one variable:
§ Attempts to unify to a fact or rule header in
your knowledgebase.
§ Prolog Progresses through lines matching the
query to each fact or rule header in the knowledgebase, branching out to see
whether a rule is true.
o Unifying a query with multiple variables:
Unification creeps one variable at a time, and using one variable instantiation
to move forward to the next variable. When it goes down a path that cannot
bind, it unwinds to try to unify with another variable value.
Atom: building block of prolog facts, queries and rules. A string that cannot
be divided into parts and beginning with a lower case letter or an operator
such as :- or =
Arity: how
many arguments (Arity counts in unification).
by choices, not parts
Takes on
the size of the largest possible choice
Definition: union number {int x; int * p;};
and use have the same syntax as structure.
Naming constants,
integer underlies it
Use it
to create a variable with only those possible choices
enum days { SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THUR, FRI, SAT};
enum days day;
Use: day = SUN;
Buffered File I/O :
Specifier format: %w.pt (width, precision, data type)
Specifier types:
d, i integer in decimal format
o integer in octal format
x integer in hexadecimal format
u unsigned integer in decimal format
c integer in character format
s char *; prints all characters until the '\0'
f double [-]m.dddddd by default 6 decimal places
e, E double [-]m.dddddde±xx or mddddddE±xx
g, G double; uses (e, E) if exponent is less than -4 or greater than or equal to precision; otherwise uses f format.
scanf also uses set [ ] or everything but the set with [^ ].
File Pointer creation: File *fp
File opening modes: r, w, a, rb, wb, ab (b = binary) (r = read; w = write; a = append)
Open command: fopen(filename, opening mode);
· returns a pointer to the file or NULL if cannot open
· Sample: FILE *ifp
((ifp = fopen(ifilename, "r")) == NULL) {
"Cannot open %s\n", ifilename);
Close command: fclose(fp);
Text File read / write
Direction |
interaction |
interaction |
Response |
Purpose |
write |
putchar(c); |
putc(fp, c); |
returns the character written (as an int); On error returns EOF (defined in stdio.h as -1) |
write one character at a time |
read |
getchar(); |
getc(fp); |
returns the character read (as an int); On error returns EOF (defined in stdio.h as -1) |
read one character at a time |
write |
printf(" ", ); |
fprintf(fp, " ", ); |
returns the number of characters written. On error
returns a negative number that indicates the particular error |
write string formatted by first parm with one variable per % |
read |
scanf(" ", ); |
fscanf(fp, " ", ); |
returns the number of variables parsed; on error returns EOF (defined in stdio.h as -1) |
read input string parsed by first parm with one variable per % |
write |
puts(s); |
fputs(fp, s); |
on error returns EOF (defined in stdio.h as -1) |
write a string and append new line character
automatically. |
read |
gets(s); (NOT RECOMMENDED) |
fgets(fp, s) |
returns a pointer to s. On error returns a NULL pointer |
read a string up to the new line. gets does not store the new line character in the buffer
and fgets does.
Parameter s must have memory allocated. |
file layout read / write commands:
Binary file is not usually human readable.
It often contains fixed record layouts.
Direc-tion |
Func-tion |
parameters |
Sample |
Response |
Purpose |
read |
fread |
pointer to read buffer var, object size, # objects, file pointer |
fread(&person, sizeof(person),
1, ifp) |
returns the number of items read as a size_t object. If
less than 3rd parm returned, consider it an error. On Error or end of file, returns 0. To
determine if EOF, must follow with feof using feof(file
pointer). |
read one structure of variable at file read offset.
(can read array as well) |
write |
fwrite |
pointer to write buffer var, object size, # objects, file pointer |
fwrite(&person, sizeof(person), 1, ofp) |
returns the number of items written as a size_t
object. If less than 3rd parm
returned, consider it an error. Find
error using ferror(file pointer), and if it is true, use perror ( ) to
print the error. |
write one structure or variable at file write
offset. (can write array as well) |