Web Page debugging tips

These are written specifically for the web card assignment. See Monkey and SeaMonkey Composer are used interchangeably.  Click here if you want to view the general web skills page with movies

Click on the problem to position the page to the answer:

When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>, I see that I am not authorized or file not found.:

When I double click on my file in filezilla, I don't see the web site.:

When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>, and try to click on a link to another page, it does not work

When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>,  I don't see the picture. Instead I see an X.

When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>,  I don't see my background.

When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>, my index.html has not changed.

How do I find out what <my account> is?.

Filezilla keeps disconnecting me. Can I make it leave me connected for longer?

Is there any way to set up Filezilla so I don't have to navigate to the right folders?

My link to another web site does not work

My email link does not work

My top of page link does not work

When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>, I see that I am not authorized or file not found.:

This means you do not have a file named index.html in your public_html file. Before progressing, look at your website in internet explorer and hit F5 to ensure you have the latest version. To check whether you have a good index.html, connect to panther using FTP explorer. Double click on public_html. If you see no file named index.html right there on the right side, you need to add one.  If you do see index.html, check again carefully. No character can be capitalized. It cannot be index.html.html. 

Remember that  home.adelphi.edu/~yourAccount shows only index.html in public_html. These steps will help you find the correct version of your webpage, name it correctly, and put it in the right place on panther.

  1. If SeaMonkey composer is open, close it so that it is not locking your files.
  2. Verify that Filezill's local site has the my_public_html folder open. Right click on index.html in the left side, and choose open to open it in internet explorer just to be sure it shows what you want.  In filezilla, scroll over to see the file date for index.html to ensure that you can see the extensions on all files.  Rename the file you want to show on the internet when you type home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount to index.html.  
  3. Verify that Filezilla's remote site has the public_html folder open. (Next to remote site:, it will say /home/yourAccount/public_html.)  Drag index.html (not the folder containing it, but the file itself) from left to right
  4. Open internet explorer and type in your address home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount and press ENTER and then F5 to refresh. (Don't forget F5 to refresh.)

When I double click on my file in filezilla, I don't see the web site.:

Filezilla does not accept double clicking to launch programs. Instead, type home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>.  When you double click in filezilla, it instead copies your files.

When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>, and try to click on a link to another page, it does not work. I see page not found instead:

This means the exact name that the link is searching for is not found. Go back to home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount and hit F5 to ensure you have the latest version. If your link is still not working, then either the link name is wrong, or index.html is not in the same directory as index.html. First, connect to panther using Filezilla and double click on public_html. Verify that the page you are trying to get to does exist in that directory. (If not copy it from my_public_html.) If it does exist, check the spelling and capitalization again carefully to be sure it is exactly right. If the file does exist, your index.html probably has a bad link. You will fix the bad link on your PC in SeaMonkey composer. Open SeaMonkey composer to open index.html. Highlight the link and choose insert / link. Erase the filename that is there and then  double click on "choose file" to rechoose the file. You should see index.html and the file you want as choices. Double click on the file you want. If you don't see the index.html file as a choice, that means you are not pointing to the folder,  so cancel and work on getting both files into the same folder. (To get both pages into the same folder, go to windows explorer and move the file you want to see to the same folder as index.html. Then, go back to "choose file" again and double click on the file you want to see.)  Save. Choose file / Browse and see the link work locally. Then, upload index.html to panther. Don't forget F5 to refresh.

There is one more possible problem. Sometimes, SeaMonkey will add a pointer to a base reference location in the header portion of your file. View / html source and search for base href. If you find it, delete it from the starting "<" to the ending ">", such as:
<base href="file://">

When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>,   I don't see the picture. Instead I see an X.

In internet explorer, go back to your site, home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount, and hit F5 to ensure you are looking at the latest version. If the problem persists, either the picture is not on panther in the right directory, or the picture file is not correctly named in the index.html file.

First, connect to panther using Filezilla and double click on public_html. Verify that the picture does exist in public_html. (If not copy it from your local system.) If the picture does exist, check the spelling and capitalization again carefully to be sure it is exactly right. (If there are spaces in your filename, it may help to rename the picture file without spaces on both your local system and panther - using filezilla - and then follow the instructions below.)

If the picture file does exist on panther, your index.html probably has a bad source file name. Use windows explorer first to show the folder that holds your index.html. If the picture is not in that folder, use windows explorer to drag it there, so you see the picture and the page in the same folder. Open SeaMonkey composer and choose file / open and index.html. Right click on the picture (or the "X" box) and choose image properties. You will probably not see just the graphic name, but also some characters preceding the filename. Double click on "choose file" and change file types to "all". You should see index.html and your picture file, and then just double click your picture file. (If you don't see both index.html and your picture file, that means that your picture is in a different folder than your page, so you would need to first go to windows explorer and move the the graphics file to the same directory as index.html.) Click on the picture to choose it. You should now see only the filename and not a path.  Save. Choose file / Browse and see the picture work locally. Upload index.html to panther. Don't forget F5 to refresh.

There is one more possible problem. Sometimes, SeaMonkey will add a pointer to a base reference location in the header portion of your file. View / html source and search for base href. If you find it, delete it from the starting "<" to the ending ">", such as:
<base href="file://">

When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>,   I don't see my background.

In internet explorer, go back to your site, home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount, and hit F5 to ensure you are looking at the latest version. If the problem persists, either the picture is not on panther in the right directory, or the picture file is not correctly named in the index.html file.

First, connect to panther using Filezilla and double click on public_html. Verify that the picture does exist in public_html. (If not copy it from your local system.) If the picture does exist, check the spelling and capitalization again carefully to be sure it is exactly right. (If there are spaces in your filename, it may help to rename the picture file without spaces on both your local system and panther - using filezilla - and then follow the instructions below.)

If the picture file does exist on panther, your index.html probably has a bad source file name. Use windows explorer first to show the folder that holds your index.html. If the picture is not in that folder, use windows explorer to drag it there, so you see the picture and the page in the same folder. Open SeaMonkey composer and choose file / open and index.html. Choose format and then "page colors and background". You will probably not see just the graphic name, but also some characters preceding the filename. Due to a problem in Seamonkey, you must first wipe out the picture filename, choose OK and then file / save. Then, go back to format / page colors and background. Double click on "choose file" and change file types to "all". You should see index.html and your picture file, and then just double click your picture file. (If you don't see both index.html and your picture file, that means that your picture is in a different folder than your page, so you would need to first go to windows explorer and move the the graphics file to the same directory as index.html.) Click on the picture to choose it. You should now see only the filename and not a path.  Save. Choose file / Browse and see the picture work locally. Upload index.html to panther. Don't forget F5 to refresh.

There is one more possible problem. Sometimes, SeaMonkey will add a pointer to a base reference location in the header portion of your file. View / html source and search for base href. If you find it, delete it from the starting "<" to the ending ">", such as:
<base href="file://">

When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>, my page has not changed.

Go back to home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount and hit F5 to ensure your browser has the latest version. One way to verify panther has the latest version  is to just view the source in the browser by pressing view / source, and then  scan it to see whether it has your new changes. You can skip this check if the source is Greek to you.

Here is another way: Remember that  home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount shows only index.html in public_html. These steps will help you find the correct version of your webpage, name it correctly, and put it in the right place on panther.

  1. If SeaMonkey composer is open, close it so that it is not locking your files.
  2. Verify that Filezill's local site has the my_public_html folder open. Right click on index.html in the left side, and choose open to open it in internet explorer just to be sure it shows what you want. Rename the file you want to show on the internet when you type home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount to index.html.  
  3. Verify that Filezilla is showing has the Remote Site: public_html folder open. Drag index.html (not the folder containing it, but the file itself) from Windows Explorer to Filezilla.
  4. Open internet explorer and type in your address home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount and press ENTER and then F5 to refresh
When I look at Filezilla, I see my web page is inside a folder inside public_html

Remember that  home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount shows only index.html in public_html. If your web page is inside a folder instead of being right in public_html, panther will go right ahead displaying public_html/index.html and ignore the file in your other folder. Just drag your index (and any files you want to be in the same folder) up to the folder "public_html". Watch the bottom panel of filezilla to ensure the files are moving.

  1. Open internet explorer and type in your address home.adelphi.edu/~YourAccount and press ENTER and then F5 to refresh. If you still see an old index.html, proceed to: When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>, my page has not changed.
  2. If you still see not authorized or file not found: proceed to: When I type in home.adelphi.edu/~<my account>, I see that I am not authorized or file not found.:

  My link to another web site doesn't work
My email link doesn't work
My link to top of page doesn't work

Filezilla keeps disconnecting me. Can I make it leave me connected for longer?

 Set the keep alive setting:

Is there any way to set up Filezilla so I don't have to navigate to the right folders?