CSC170 Final Web Project

Project outcome: Create a four page attractive website on a central theme of your choosing. Make something that is useful to you or to some organization, group or individual you know. This one assignment is completed over 3 weeks, but you can work ahead if you want:

Project goals: By working on a larger site, you can consider the design and take on the challenge of getting the site to look exactly as you want and debugging issues. This will give you an ease with creating links of many types that can transfer to many other applications you may use in the future. It will also help you understand how either tables or CSS can be used to layout your page. You will also be dealing with many files that must be in the same folder and have names that match links exactly, so this cements your ability to manage files on your operating system. You will have a full understanding that an internet server is another computer that hosts your pages. A side benefit for some people is a site that helps you in some way, either supporting a small business, your job search, or a club, so that you will continue to edit it for years and retain all these web design skills.

Possible themes/topics:

Note: Please do not include personal information you do not want available to the world, and please no pictures of alcohol. Also remember to delete this after class if you don't want it online 10 years from now.
The completed site must contain all these requirements:

  1. Where does your site go:
  2. Navigation bar: You will need 4 pages each with a navigation bar which links the pages together.
  3. What does your homepage need?
  4. What has to be found somewhere on your entire site?

Here is a reminder of your web skills

You can optionally use other advanced features such as embedding YouTube movies, javascript, or even making pictures of words using fireworks. If you want to use some advanced features, learn about them here.

Grading Guidelines:

Here are some examples of good final projects:

Extra help if you were unable to install Filezilla on your mac: